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  • #1311907
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    Hi @levchenko11,

    I updated the theme files for you. Please review your website :)



    Thanks for the reply, Yigit! The icon box fix worked perfectly. I look forward to a clean update in the theme to properly fix this bug…Enfold has been fabulous for years. Thanks to you and the dev team for keeping it fresh.



    We are planning to release a follow up update on Monday. Thanks for your understanding! :)

    Best regards,


    Thanks @yigit..

    I’ve update just a test site and i’m wait for a fix..

    Thanks to all Enfold team..


    Hi newmediologo,

    The new version of the theme should be available later today, if everything goes as planned.

    Best regards,


    I tried to downgrade to 4.8.3 but got a fatal error so I had to upgrade again to 4.8.4


    There are MUCH MUCH MORE issues than only the iconboxes or animated numbers.
    Here are some:
    1: Background color changed specially in areas with alternate background color
    2: Elements changed their color
    3: mysterious texts coming out of nowhere like “Click here to add your own text” in elements like iconboxes – even if there was other text before
    4: massive loss of textcontent (replaced with “Click here to add your own text” or similar)
    5: single images arent displayed anymore
    6: Videos dont show up
    7: Fonts changed
    8: Margins & paddings changed to inacceptable high values
    9: Tabs & toggles are empty
    10: Doubled scrollbars

    Its an outrage that you seem not to test before you rollout.
    I dont want to be your betatester


    Hi heiratenmitstil,

    Thanks for the feedback. If you need further help with your site, then please open a new thread and include WordPress admin login details in private, so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi AJDesignCo,

    Thanks for the update, I’m glad that you found it.

    Best regards,


    @cjbuilt Can you send me the link for the Enfold 4.8.3 as well? I tried entering your link but t says that no longer available. I’m having the same issues with everyone here as well and it’s quite frustrating since I needed to present this to my company.


    @RepsHoldings – no, I took that copy down as soon as further updates came out and fixed the issues. I don’t want to be in the business of providing free copies of Enfold. We’re up to version now and I believe the issues have been resolved.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by cjbuilt.

    @cjbuilt thanks for the update. I’m still having some issues, apparently, my version is still on 4.8.4 and unable to update to



    I have replied to your thread – :)

    Best regards,

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