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  • #1311217


    Since the last Enfold update (4.8.4), I have several problems, including :

    – I can’t see the text in the animated numbers element: it is always “add your own text”, nothing changes

    – the accordion element doesn’t work either, as soon as you click on a sentence you are directed to the top of the page

    What can I do to solve these problems?

    Thanks for your help



    Thanks for contacting us and sorry for the inconvenience!

    1- We have reported the issue to our devs and will release a fix as soon as possible.

    If you would like to apply a temporary fix, please go to /enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/numbers/numbers.php in Appearance > Editor and find following on 207th line

    'std' 	=> __( 'Add your own text', 'avia_framework' ),

    and comment it out as following

    //'std' 	=> __( 'Add your own text', 'avia_framework' ),

    If you would like us to apply the temporary fix for you, please post temporary WP admin logins here privately :)

    2- Could you please clear browser and server cache and check if that helps? If not, please create temporary admin logins and post them here privately so we can look into it.




    I forgot, there is also a margin problem.

    Thanks for your help



    Hi Yigit,

    Thank you for your reply,

    I will start by clearing the caches. How to clear the server cache please?

    If it doesn’t change anything, I’ll send you the admin login.

    Thanks for your help

    Best regards


    I cleared the caches but the problems are still there.

    3 elements do not work:
    – I can’t see the text in the animated numbers element: it is always “add your own text”, nothing changes
    – Same problem with iconbox element
    – the accordion element doesn’t work either, as soon as you click on a sentence you are directed to the top of the page

    There is also a problem with the margin, (the line setting: when you change the individual height, it creates an extra space)

    I created a test page in article to see the problems.

    I have put the admin login in the private content. I will accept your proposal that you put the temporary fix for me because I am not very comfortable with php.

    Thanks a lot for your help



    Hi Rege,

    I updated theme files to apply hot fixes. All issues except for margin should be fixed. Where can we see the margin issue? I could not find your test page.

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    Thank you very much for your help. It’s great.

    The test page is in the list of posts (articles in french) and is called “test”, it is the only draft (“brouillon” in french). You can see the margin problems in the first 2 color sections.

    I use the Enfold theme on 2 other sites (because I like this theme a lot) : do you think I can also update them without risking the same problems ? One of the website is very important.

    Thank you, great team !

    Best regards,


    Hi Rege,

    I added following code to bottom of Quick CSS field as a temporary solution

    #top .avia-section .flex_column_table.av-equal-height-column-flextable:not(:first-child) {
        margin-top: 0;

    If you update them to 4.8.4, you would have the same issues. We are going to release soon which will address this issues so we would recommend you to wait for that version.

    Thanks for your understanding! :)

    Best regards,


    I am getting some problem icon box content now showing. check screenshot

    I am using 4.8.4 version.

    thank you


    Hi Yigit,

    Thank you very much, it’s perfect.

    I will follow your advice and wait for the next version

    Best regards



    Did you need additional help with this topic or shall we close?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Yigit,

    I also have the problem, that I don’t see my own text – instead I see “Click to add your own text here”.
    Same problem like “Mejba Uddin Biplob”

    Do you also have a quick fix for that?

    Is it okay to comment line 196 in wordpress/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/iconbox/iconbox.php !?

    Best regards

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by olierb. Reason: Possible quick fix found

    Hi Rege,

    I privately published the post and could not reproduce the issue there. I believe the issue was visible in preview only.

    Do you have this issue on any published page?

    Best regards,



    and @mejba, please post WP admin logins here privately so we can apply the fixes for you :)

    Best regards,


    here is the screenshot

    the problem is the home page under header



    Hi @mejba,

    I updated the files. Please review your website :)

    Best regards,


    I still seeing the text
    Click to add your own text here

    As I have text on content box.




    Please flush browser cache and refresh your page a few times –

    Best regards,

    #1311886 I have the same issue w/ icon boxes on this page. I made the hot fix, emptied cache, refreshed, etc but do not see any improvement. Can you help? I’ve provided admin creds.



    could you please flush browser cache and refresh your page a few times? Icon Boxes show up fine on my end – :)

    Best regards,


    Under widgets I am getting these errors
    The “newsbox” block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.

    The “newsbox” block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.

    The “avia_fb_likebox” block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.

    The “newsbox” block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.

    The “avia_google_maps” block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.


    Hey @freja74,

    I updated theme files. Please review your website :)

    Best regards,


    Thanks Yigit – I can see that is the old widgets.


    Hey @freja74,

    Yes, we have reverted back to classic widgets until we add support for new ones :)

    You are welcome! Let us know if you have any other questions and enjoy the rest of your day!



    Hi there,

    There are al lot of people have the same issues. Our company website has a lot of margin issues, icon-box issues and and the text “put your content in here”. It happened this morning and we still try to fix it.

    Please give some “public” advice so we can create a temporary solution.

    Greetings from Marcel


    Hi @Marcel,

    We are planning to release an update on Monday.

    If you would like to apply the fixes manually:
    For Icon Box element, please go to /enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/iconbox/iconbox.php in Appearance > Editor and find following on 553rd line

    $default = $this->sync_sc_defaults_array( $default );

    and change it to following

    $default = $this->sync_sc_defaults_array( $default, 'no_modal_item', 'no_content' );

    For Animated Numbers element, please go to /enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/numbers/numbers.php in Appearance > Editor and find following on 631st line

    $default = $this->sync_sc_defaults_array( $default );

    and change it to following

    $default = $this->sync_sc_defaults_array( $default, 'no_modal_item', 'no_content' );

    To fix Dark & Light Transparent Buttons, please replace /enfold/config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\php\base-classes\class-popup-templates-callback.php file with –

    Best regards,


    Hello, I have the same problem with the widgets:
    The “avia_google_maps” block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.
    The “portfoliobox” block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.
    The “avia_fb_likebox” block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.

    I have updated the theme to 4.8.4, but I still have the same problem.

    I am waiting for your advice.
    Thank you.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by galgro.

    Hi Galina,

    Sorry for the late reply. We released a bug fix version yesterday (4.8.5), could you try updating to that please?

    Best regards,


    Hi, I have installed v4.8.5 and the accordions are still jumping to the top of the page. I have included temporary logins for you to fix this please.


    Hi @sarah_pask,

    Please update Enfold to the latest version 4.8.5. You are still using 4.8.4.
    I tried updating the theme from WP dashboard however that did not work. If you would like us to update the theme for you, please post FTP logins here privately as well :)

    Best regards,

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