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  • #29058

    Hi all,

    I have one issue with my page I cannot solve on my own: When I resize my page below a width of approx. 975px the whole page resized and repositiones, so that it lies below my Logo. There is another 70px space left on the left side, nevertheless the position switches.

    My page is:

    It would be perfect when the position would stay unless the width is not below 930px. Then it would be good if the menu switches to the menu-dropdown-menu.

    I tried playing around in the /css/layout.css but these changed had no effect.

    Thanks so much,



    Hi Doremus,

    In WordPress theme directory please go to Enfold > Js and open avia.js file and find following code in line 87

    switchWidth = 767;

    and change it to

    switchWidth = 915;

    You can adjust the value by changing ‘915’.

    P.S.: Your website looks very nice. Definitely deserves to be showcased in this topic




    Hi, just tried it too. On the iPad the dropdown menu appears but the regualar menu doesnt vanish… any advise?




    Dear Yigit,

    thank you very much for your compliments and your help.

    The first issue is solved. Now the Dropdown Menu appears below a width of 915px. Perfect!

    But the second issue is, that below a width of 974px the page resizes causing the menu to reposition to the left (behind my logo). Do you have any solution for that?

    Thanks a lot for this awesome support here in the board!




    Hi Doremus,

    Please add following code to Quick CSS section in Enfold theme options page under Styling

    @media only screen and (min-width: 916px) and (max-width: 989px) { div.main_menu { right: -17%; } }

    This should solve it. it will move to menu to right on screens smaller than 989px



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