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  • #482574

    I have a custom sidebar that uses “Enfold Child Latest Portfolio” widget. If I want a image next to the title, I have to add a featured image to the individual portfolio item.

    But then when I have a “blog posts” element and select portfolio items and show category “video”, the videos show the video plus also the featured image. I want to be able to NOT show the featured image in that case.

    Thanks for your help


    Hey draig!

    Everything is possible, but that would need a lot of work to be done.

    You can contact one of our Customization Contractors, who will help you out with the process.

    Let us know if we could do anything else, regarding our theme



    okay… thanks

    I’ll delete the featured images from all the individual entries and just live with “Enfold Child Latest Portfolio” widget having a title and an empty square next to it… not ideal, but not so bad either.


    Actually, that does not work right either…

    For photo galleries I have to have a featured image. For videos no featured image. I’ll live with the inconsistent display in the widget unless there is some way to not show the tiny thumbnails including the empty squares



    Could you provide us with a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?



    Visit this page specifically.

    You can see on the sidebar I’m using the Enfold widget for listing portfolio items. Only some of them have image icons. This is because if I add a featured image for the video portfolio items, then the featured image shows in the center as well as the video which is no good.

    For photo galleries it works fine for me because in the blog listing I am only showing the featured image, not the actual gallery. But for videos, I of course want the actual video showing as it is.

    I can live with the sidebar having images for photo entries and the blank square for the video entries. But if you can think of a way to address this, I’d appreciate it. Otherwise consider this a feature request for a bit more user control in a future update.




    Can you please add a featured image in this post?

    We can hide the featured image in the actual post via css. Or use the advance layout builder for portfolio items with videos, it will not display the featured image.




    The featured image no longer shows on the video archive page center column. Thanks… What did you do to make that work?



    Since you have not provided admin logins on this thread, i do not think it was one of us who made the changes.



    My problem is that “portfolio category items” are displayed VERTICAL instead of HORIZONTAL.
    please visit

    Anyone knows the trick to solve this..?



    , Please do not double post,

    Best regards,


    Hi guys

    Above you mentioned you could hide the portfolio items feature image with CSS. Could you provide that for me please? I would like to hide the portfolio items feature image for posts with images.


    Thanks very much!




    Add this to your custom CSS.

    .single-portfolio .page-thumb { display: none !important; }

    Or if you only want it done on certain posts then add this to a codeblock element in the portfolio content.

    <style type = "text/css">
    .single-portfolio .page-thumb { display: none !important; }


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