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  • #294465


    I did make some modification to the helper-main-menu.php to show a different top main menu depending on the page model and all this work like a charm.

    The problem I have is that after copying the page.php model to create a new page-entreprise.php model, the model load with some css trouble and seems boxed… Is there any modele related config to set to achieve a simple default model copy

    I do use child theme and simply copied the page.php as page_entreprise.php and change header (added /* Template Name: Modèle Entreprise */) to create the new model page… Since this is really basic, I am pretty lost as why I do lose some css and boxed.

    Thanks in advance



    Try using the template-builder.php file as a model instead.

    Best regards,


    ahhh great many thanks!!!


    You are welcome, always glad to help :)


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