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  • #1164171

    I replaced old Propulsion theme with new Enfold.
    But now I can’t edit the pages with “Advanced Layer Builder”. Loading the page from the dashboard appears to be looping … and does not open the Avia Layout Builder panel.
    Please find in private content link and credentials.

    Best regards,


    Please, see this video.


    Hi orianos,

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria, thanks for your answer.
    I see that the site cannot be reached from your IP.
    Perhaps then the cause of the problem is the web server …

    I contacted the hosting company to ask them for clarification and I wait for your reply.

    Return to you as soon as I received a reply from the hosting.

    Best regards,



    I wanted to check your website but i received the same error Victoria got. Please temporarily disable IP restriction :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit, hi Victoria, thanks for your answers.

    This is what the hosting has communicated to me:
    > we proceeded to solve the problem, there was a too excessive rule on our WAF that blocked access to some resources, an exception was added, …

    Now then I can edit the posts and use ALB :)

    PS: the reason why you can’t access the wordpress backend, always called from the hosting (based in Italy), is this:
    > … for security reasons we have enabled access to the wordpress backend only to Italian IPs.

    Fortunately I have few sites with this hosting …
    Most of the sites I manage are on another hosting, and I don’t have this kind of problems.

    Many thanks for your help. As far as I’m concerned, I’m trying to adopt in all the sites that I manage your theme. Thanks again for your support.

    Best regards


    Ciao Oriano!

    Glad the issue is resolved and thanks for sharing your solution :)

    Let us know if you have any other questions or issues!


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