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  • #653993


    I really love your theme, it’s the best! However, I’m struggling with this problem for some time and I can’t find anything related to it.

    I installed WordPress at since I’ve got that domain for free from my hosting provider. Then, I installed Enfold Theme on it. I customise it and everything was perfect.

    Now I’ve got a domain and I would like to have everything there, so what I did is to park the domain and then I changed it in WordPress: Settings > General > Site Address (URL)

    Now I can access to without any problem.

    The issue is that now all the symbols of YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and many others don’t appear properly in any explorer (they look like squares or chinese letters or similar).

    Is there anything I can do it to change the symbols and make them right as it was before?

    Thank you!


    Hey beathem,

    Your site seems to be down unfortunately:


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