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  • #613908

    Hello , I write for a strange problem .
    I have a one page site , the first time I open the home page and I click on EVENTI does not send me to the exact location . Only the first time , then navigating it work correctly . On tablets and phone works correctly .


    Hey albertobarch,

    Could you try deactivating all plugins to see if one of them is causing a conflict please?



    I tried , the problem remains .



    Which browser and OS are you using? It does work fine on my end at the moment



    I use Chrome and Safari OSX 10.11.4
    My client uses chrome with windows , and has the same problem .
    We tried on different computers with different operating systems .
    It works properly if I choose EVENTS as a second choice , but if I click directly does not send the exact spot .
    Example : I update the page , I click on EVENTS , sends me too low on the page .
    Thank you.


    The problem is only on pc, on mobile it works well!



    We are not sure what’s causing the issue yet but, hopefully, the latest version will fix it. Please update the theme to version 3.5.3.


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