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  • #444299

    Hello dear Kriesi Support,

    I’m looking for a solution for the following. I have a page that has multiple post loops, (created by blog post element or portfolio grid). Due to the lay-out I’m supposed to build, I need to start with a 1/2 column with posts. Below that is a 1/1, fullwidth column, that should display the rest of the posts.

    So basically, I want to start to display the posts in the first column, and continue in the following column.

    I think I can solve this by adding 2 ‘blog post’ elements (same category!) in 2 columns, and setting the posts to not duplicate on the same page, but it’s fairly difficult for me to do this with php code. Is there a way to get this done, or is their another option I’m missing? This should be a problem to more users with multiple loops, but I cannot find a fair solution.

    This is the code suggestions I found:

    Thanks so much, Daniël


    Hey Danielkuipers!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Edit the blog posts element then set the Offset Number settings to prevent duplicated posts.



    Hello Ismael,

    thanks, I did not see this function, thanks for pointing out. Maybe someone else following my thought line will find a solution using this topic, as I couldn’t find similar problems. All solved now!

    Thanks so much, Daniël

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