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  • #985879

    Hi there –

    with the plugin DSGVO patron ( I had cut off the connection to Google fonts in
    Well, after some updates, this connection is available again. :-(
    I wrote to the developers of Patron.
    Here’s the answer:

    “Normally, separating it from Google Fonts (and other services!) Is no problem for Patron.
    Google fonts are disabled or even locally stored and delivered by the patron.

    The way Enfold integrates the fonts – via Javascript – can not be changed via plugin or “simply add additional code” without creating any errors in the page.

    Javascript is and remains a programming language, which is only limited changeable. Since the Google fonts in your theme specifically loaded by Javascript, You need to embed Google fonts locally or not at all.

    And this is only possible by removing this program code in the theme. Possibly, the theme developer can help you solve this problem. ”

    Dear Kriesi Team – Can you help me here?

    Many Thanks –



    Hi Marc,

    Please refer to this post – and after uploading your fonts, please choose them from the bottom of font family list and fonts will not be loaded from Google :)

    Best regards,

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