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  • #1205363

    I just upgraded my Enfold theme to the latest from Themeforest (my old one was from 2016ish). I noticed comments disappeared so went looking around and see that I need to do some GDPR compliance stuff, through the Envold “Privacy and Cookies” page. I was able to set my cookie policy from the Cookie Handling tab, but the Privacy Policy tab has no actions available on it, only “Attention: You need to set a Privacy Policy page here to activate these features: Set Privacy Policy”. Clicking the Set Privacy Policy link takes me to a page /wp-admin/privacy.php on my website that looks like content from WordPress. It starts with a big header “WordPress 5.4\n\nBuilding more with blocks, faster and easier.” with four subtabs “What’s New”, “Credits”, “Freedoms” and “Privacy”. There’s nothing there for me to customize either.

    How do I get the “Privacy Policy” tab to display something other than just the link to this generic page?


    I found how to solve this – I already had a privacy policy page but had not set it. To set it do the following:
    1) Click Settings in the wordpress admin menu (left side)
    2) Click the Privacy link a few lines down (for me it was right under Permalinks)
    3) Choose a page in the pulldown “Change your privacy policy”.
    However, after doing that, my comments (which had disappeared after the upgrade) still do not appear.
    What do I need to do to get comments to appear on pages?


    Hi robinargreen,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,

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