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  • #324600

    I would like to add a previous and next post link to the bottom of each post page. My customer didn’t see the arrows on the side (on a wide screen they appear very far from the box page). I would like to add simple previous and next blog post in addition to the avia prev an next post style currently in place. Can you advise?


    Hey edebe!

    You can add following code to Quick CSS to display post navigation like this – on screens larger than 1500px

    @media only scree and (min-width: 1500px) {
    .avia-post-nav .entry-info-wrap { width: 240px; }}

    What you are asking for is not easily possible and should be done by a freelance developer.

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    Thank you for your response but maybe I was not clear. I don’t want to make the existing prev and next bigger. What I would like is to add a simpler text prev and next (prev/next article name with arrow) to each post either at the top or bottom or each single post. More traditional like the standard WordPress twenty thirteen. Can I do this in addition to the Avia style or replace?

    Thanks, Debra


    Hi Debra!

    You were clear and that is why i noted “What you are asking for is not easily possible and should be done by a freelance developer.”. If you would like to make the changes by yourself, please go to enfold-function.php file and find the function




    okay – thanks

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