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  • #850029

    I have a youtube video opening up in a lightbox using prettyphoto. However, I would like to pass on parameters to hide the controls, title, youtube logo, etc. These parameters don’t seem to take when using prettyphoto for the lightbox. Any idea how I can preserve theme parameters for the lightbox?


    Hey ecdoesit,

    I’m not quite sure this is possible using the ALB embed control and without digging into the JS of PrettyPhoto itself since that was coded to just except the link and not an iframe embed. That goes beyond the support that can be provided here in the forums. However, perhaps you can attempt to use a color section, in combination with a prettyphoto iframe embed to achieve your goal.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Thanks for the reply! I’ll update this thread if I find a workaround or code solution.



    Great, please share if you should find a solution to your problem.

    Best regards,

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