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  • #402606

    Hi there,

    I am (re)building a new site at http://new.de-starterwebsite.nl. I have the latest version of Enfold (3.0.8) and running WordPress 4.1.1.

    Somehow I can’t get the Enfold predefined color scheme to work…

    I have investigated all topics here to get it to work. I have disabled & deleted all plugins, cleared cache, tried different browsers, nothing works.

    In one of your topics (which looks similar to mine) you advised:

    “Please go to wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia folder then delete the enfold.css file. Toggle any theme options to regenerate the file. If you have a cache or minify plugins, please disable those while working on the site.”

    I also tried that, but without success.

    Please advise.

    Thanks & regards,


    Hi Monique!

    Check the permissions on the following.


    Try 644 or 666 permissions.



    Hi Elliott,

    I thought I checked them and they were at 644, but when I just looked, they were not… Changed that and voila, that helped!

    You made me very happy :-)

    Have a nice day,

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