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  • #269164

    The predefined color schemes are not working for me. It doesn’t matter which one I choose, the color scheme stays on “Splash red”. I am using WordPress 3.9.1 and Enfold 2.7.1.


    Make sure, that you bypass or deactivate the web browser cache and that no cache plugin in wordpress is active.

    Also a link to the website might help us to see whats wrong.


    Thanks for the quick reply. I did delete the web browser cache and even tried in different browsers. I have SuperCacher enabled in WordPress but I deleted that cache as well.

    The website is http://fstopapp.com/dev/

    Jason Seelye


    Try to deactivate SuperCacher instead of just deleting the cache.

    If that does not help, the next 2 things i can think of are either file permissions or some sort of cache from your hoster


    Thanks! That was it. I had to go into my cpanel and flush the “Varnish Static Cache” and then I turned it off along with the SuperCache.

    Great support.

    Jason Seelye

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