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  • #1212736

    I wish to purchase this support extension offer at $29.38. I think this offer expires today or maybe yesterday.

    When I clicked on the link in the email, although the title said “Support for Enfold”, the pricing said $59 for regular license.

    Regardless, I’m hoping to still get the support at the pre-expiry cost. Can you help?


    Hey shar_s,

    Are you sure that you were logged in to Themeforest when you clicked the link? If not then please try logging in first. If that is not the problem then please try reaching out to Themeforest/Envato for help since we can’t provide support for their platform.

    Best regards,





    Did you need additional help with this topic or shall we close?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Logging in worked, except by this time, the offer had expired. Assuming I need to go through Envanto to purchase the pre-expiry rate, then, yes to closing this topic. Thank you!



    Should you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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