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  • #1050830


    when i use a sidebar is their any option that posts are around the sidebar? When sidebar is on the right side, posts are on the left. But when sidebar has a fixed height, i want that posts are under the sidebar too.
    And sidebar should have the same height of 3 posts blocks.

    I have attached a layout image. This what i want, can i do that with enfold?

    Layout File





    I think you should be able to create that layout with the layout builder, except for the bottom row with the 4 elements. That would not be possible since it would require a full width element and the sidebar would not be displayed if that is present.

    Typing up in your thread won’t get you help any faster.

    Best regards,


    Hey Rikard,

    sorry my thread was after 8 hours on site 5. I thought i get no answer.

    I need it exakt like my example. How can i do this? Is there a way only show an post one time if I use two times the posts modul?
    Or can i write a new page template file with a fixed sidebar?

    Best regards,


    Hi Dennis,

    What you see on the forum does not correspond to what moderators are seeing in the ticket system, where it’s first in first out.

    Like I stated previously, your layout is possible except for the last row. If you want a layout like that you will have to customise the theme in some way or maybe fake the sidebar using a widget area in the layout builder.

    Best regards,

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