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  • #1256298

    Hi Enfold team,
    I just wanted a clarification: could you confirm that Post title are considered as H1 and the following paragraph title in the post should be as H2 then?
    Thank you so much.
    Have a good day.


    Hi Mark,

    Yes, post title are h1 in its own post, for example: https://kriesi.at/themes/enfold-2017/2014/08/24/a-nice-entry/
    However, in the blog page where it contains a list of posts, the post title is set to h2: https://kriesi.at/themes/enfold-2017/blog/

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,
    So it means that in order to improve my SEO, I should use h2 for next titles I use inside a post. Am I correct?
    Thank you

    King regards,


    Hi Mark,

    I’m not really an expert on SEO but I have read before that there should just be one h1 in the page and it should be the page/post title: https://yoast.com/one-h1-heading-per-post/
    So the blog page, the Blog should be h1 and the post titles should be h2, but on the post itself, the post title should be h1.
    The short answer to your question I believe is a Yes. :)

    Best regards,

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