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  • #1289667

    I added a post slider to one page and you will never know how many are there unless an indicator is added.

    Those little dots you can see under any slider.

    How to add them?



    Hi peterolle,

    It’s possible but the Entry Number should not be set to All and also should be equal to or below the number of posts.
    Once those conditions are done then you can modify the postslider.
    Find this function, line 967 in the code I gave you (line 996 in the parent theme):

    protected function slide_navigation_arrows()

    put this code:

    $html .= $this->slide_navigation_dots();


    return $html;

    After the slide_navigation_arrows function (code block), add this code:

    * @return string
    protected function slide_navigation_dots()
        $html   = '';
        $html  .= "<div class='avia-slideshow-dots avia-slideshow-controls'>";
        $active = 'active';
        $entry_count = $this->atts['items'];
        $slidenumber = $entry_count / (int) $this->atts['columns'];
        $slidenumber = $entry_count % (int) $this->atts['columns'] ? ( (int) $slidenumber + 1)  : (int) $slidenumber;
        for( $i = 1; $i <= $slidenumber; $i++ )
            $html .= "<a href='#{$i}' class='goto-slide {$active}' >{$i}</a>";
            $active = '';
        $html .= '</div>';
        return $html;

    Best regards,


    Thank you Nikko.

    Just to be sure.

    Add to line 1003:
    $html .= $this->slide_navigation_dots();

    Add to line 1006:

    * @return string
    protected function slide_navigation_dots()
        $html   = '';
        $html  .= "<div class='avia-slideshow-dots avia-slideshow-controls'>";
        $active = 'active';
        $entry_count = $this->atts['items'];
        $slidenumber = $entry_count / (int) $this->atts['columns'];
        $slidenumber = $entry_count % (int) $this->atts['columns'] ? ( (int) $slidenumber + 1)  : (int) $slidenumber;
        for( $i = 1; $i <= $slidenumber; $i++ )
            $html .= "<a href='#{$i}' class='goto-slide {$active}' >{$i}</a>";
            $active = '';
        $html .= '</div>';
        return $html;

    Is that correct?


    by the way: on some postsliders it works – on others not – and i do not see the difference between these two postsliders yet. …
    As far as i see – it is dependent on the column count – if you got only 1column – it will not work that way ?
    Guess the ternär Operator with remainder ( % ) had to be calculated a bit different.

    but i do not see why a column count 1 has as result a zero slide number:

    $slidenumber = $entry_count / (int) $this->atts['columns'];
    $slidenumber = $entry_count % (int) $this->atts['columns'] ? ( (int) $slidenumber + 1)  : (int) $slidenumber;

    f.e case 5 items 1 column
    remainder comes to
    5/1 = 5 no rest
    so ternär operator goes to last setting ( and does not add one slide more for the rest ) is slidenumber is 5 – but it does not show the dots in this case.

    See here the same postslider – left one only one column – right 3 Columns.

    And: on the right post-slider the slidenumber calculation is wrong! there are 7 items and 3columns.
    7/3 = 2 Rest 1 so there must be 2+1 slidenumbers – but there are 4 ?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Guenni007.

    Thank you for adding that Guenni007!

    I am using 1 column with 6 posts using the complete width, so the column thing is important to work in any.

    Will wait for an update.



    yes – and even if the calculation is this way ( which seems to be more logical ) – because slidenumber should be an integer value:
    entry_count and columns-count should also be integers aswell – per definition.

    $entry_count = $this->atts['items'];
    $slidenumber = (int)($entry_count / $this->atts['columns']);
    $slidenumber = $entry_count % $this->atts['columns']  ? ( $slidenumber + 1)  :  $slidenumber;

    the slidenumber is for 1 column wrong and for the rest +1 ? i see not the error ?


    hm – now i know – the calculation takes the entry_count form alb items input field ! and not a calculated items count !
    The entry-number : All expresses “-1”

    Solution now: you had to know how many items there are ;)
    (you can see that on category or portfolio categories list)
    – and set this in the postslider alb yourself in :
    “Entry Number
    How many items should be displayed?”

    * but great difficulty is : if you show more than one category – and they have items with both categories; if you have more than one postslider on a page and have offset activated … etc pp.
    so best would be if there is a calculation of items – don’t know if it is possible. – but – see asterisk above ? – if that would be possible?

    Guess the empiric method would be the easiest way for now.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Guenni007.

    Solution now: you had to know how many items there are ;)

    Just 1 category in this case and with 6 posts defined in the post slider settings, but if the client changes that to 4, well, 4 dots should show.

    What is the empiric method? :P

    Thank you!


    empiric : just count how many you have – sorry better word is probably : pragmatic
    I’m just not a native english-speaking participant here. ;)


    Hi peterolle and Guenni007,

    I actually mentioned that the Entry Number should not be set to All.

    It’s possible but the Entry Number should not be set to All and also should be equal to or below the number of posts.
    Once those conditions are done then you can modify the postslider.

    Basically, it is dependent with Entry Number for calculation.
    It can be improved by using the number of posts returned but would take some time to build as well as test.

    Best regards,


    totaly off topic :lol:
    but nevertheless the calculation formula is wrong for that part

    $slidenumber = $entry_count / (int) $this->atts['columns'];
    // and should be correct:
    $slidenumber = (int)($entry_count / $this->atts['columns']);

    a slidenumber has to be integer so if items are 7 and column count is 3 – the old calculation will bring it to slidenumber of : 2,3333 ?
    first devision than integer.
    After that you don’t need the int() in
    $slidenumber = $entry_count % $this->atts['columns'] ? ( $slidenumber + 1) : $slidenumber;
    all values are integer allready ;)

    Pippi Longstocking: ( PS – i see in english this calculation is not present in the song – so Germans tend to be know-it-all ;) )
    2 x 3 makes 4 – Widdewiddewitt – and 3 makes 9 !!! ;)


    Hi Guenni007,

    Thanks for the correction :)

    Best regards,


    I am not able to make this work, dots are not even showing up, so here is the step by step.

    1- Create config-templatebuilder > avia-shortcodes directories inside child theme.
    2- Copy config-templatebuilder > avia-shortcodes > postslider directory to the just created one inside child theme.
    3- Open postslider.php from child theme.
    4- Line 1003 paste above return $html; the following:
    $html .= $this->slide_navigation_dots();
    5- Line 1006 paste above * Fetch new entries the following:

    * @return string
    protected function slide_navigation_dots()
        $html   = '';
        $html  .= "<div class='avia-slideshow-dots avia-slideshow-controls'>";
        $active = 'active';
        $entry_count = $this->atts['items'];
        $slidenumber = $entry_count / (int) $this->atts['columns'];
        $slidenumber = $entry_count % (int) $this->atts['columns'] ? ( (int) $slidenumber + 1)  : (int) $slidenumber;
        for( $i = 1; $i <= $slidenumber; $i++ )
            $html .= "<a href='#{$i}' class='goto-slide {$active}' >{$i}</a>";
            $active = '';
        $html .= '</div>';
        return $html;

    I have 6 posts published under that category. Under Post Slider Filters > Entry Number I have 6.

    Nothing shows up.

    What am I doing wrong?



    here is mine:

    as mentioned above my code has that little adjustments to the calculation – the original will work too – but column-count should always be integer.

    this is the folder structure:

    PS: do you have this little extra snippet in your child-theme functions.php – that child shortcodes overwrite parent one and are in that shortcodes folder ? i do often forget to mention that because that is one of my first shortcodes i insert on may installations.

    function avia_include_shortcode_template($paths){
      $template_url = get_stylesheet_directory();
          array_unshift($paths, $template_url.'/shortcodes/');
      return $paths;
    add_filter('avia_load_shortcodes', 'avia_include_shortcode_template', 15, 1);

    Thank you for that Guenni007!

    No, I have nothing like that, I was using the suggested at the beginning and no function at all. This is completely different and now the dots show up, BUT there is a problem.

    If you add a second color section below the slider and add a magazine inside it, when you click the first bullet in the slider (go to #1), it scrolls down to the magazine section instead of going to slide 1.

    I am not able to find why. Any ideas?

    Default magazine is:
    <div id="1" class="av-magazine

    I added a custom ID in dev settings for the magazine and now it is fixed!

    Thanks again!


    A quick extra question to extend this a bit.

    How can I have the dots outside the post slider?

    So the post slider is there with a border 1px and below that (outside the 1px) I have the dots. Either left, center or right.



    Hi peterolle,

    Please try adding this CSS code in Enfold > General Styling > Quick CSS:

    #top .avia-content-slider {
        overflow: visible;
    #top .avia-content-slider .avia-slideshow-controls {
        bottom: -30px;

    Let us know if it helps.

    Best regards,


    Since 4.8.3, this solution doesn’t work anymore.
    Is there a way to have the dots navigation on the post slider now ?



    I tested Guenni007’s edited file in my child theme as posted here ensuring the directory structure is: /wp-content/themes/enfold-child/shortcodes/postslider/postslider.php
    and it works correctly with the latest version
    Thanks Guenni007

    Best regards,


    but be careful – my post is nearly one year old. So there must be a new editing with postslider.php to do.
    The newest postslider.php has a different way to generate the slide_navigation_arrows . etc. …



    1- Create config-templatebuilder > avia-shortcodes directories inside child theme.
    2- Copy config-templatebuilder > avia-shortcodes > postslider directory to the just created one inside child theme.
    3- Open postslider.php from child theme.
    4- Line 1003 paste above return $html; the following:
    $html .= $this->slide_navigation_dots();

    There is no return $html; in the code anymore.
    I don’t know what to edit in the current postslider.php to make it work with the dot navigation.


    For v4.8.9.1 please follow these steps, ensure your child theme includes this function in your functions.php to override the shortcode elements:

    function avia_include_shortcode_template( $paths )
    	if( ! is_array( $paths ) )
    		$paths = array();
    	$template_url = get_stylesheet_directory();
    	array_unshift( $paths, $template_url . '/shortcodes/' );
    	return $paths;
    add_filter( 'avia_load_shortcodes', 'avia_include_shortcode_template', 15, 1 );

    Then copy the parent theme postslider directory to your child theme /shortcodes/ directory, so the full directory path will be:
    Then on line 1059 in postslider.php add this code:

    protected function slide_navigation_dots()
    	$html   = '';
    	$html  .= "<div class='avia-slideshow-dots avia-slideshow-controls'>";
    	$active = 'active';
    	$entry_count = $this->atts['items'];
    	$slidenumber = $entry_count / (int) $this->atts['columns'];
    	$slidenumber = $entry_count % (int) $this->atts['columns'] ? ( (int) $slidenumber + 1)  : (int) $slidenumber;
    	for( $i = 1; $i <= $slidenumber; $i++ )
    		$html .= "<a href='#{$i}' class='goto-slide {$active}' >{$i}</a>";
    		$active = '';
    	$html .= '</div>';
    	return $html;

    then on line 1014 replace $output .= $this->slide_navigation_arrows(); with
    $output .= $this->slide_navigation_dots(); //$output .= $this->slide_navigation_arrows();
    then add this css to your Quick CSS:

    #top .avia-content-slider {
        overflow: visible;
    #top .avia-content-slider .avia-slideshow-controls {
        bottom: -30px;
    .avia-slideshow-dots, .avia-slideshow-dots a:hover {
        opacity: 0.8;
        filter: alpha(opacity=80);
        background: #000;

    This was the results:

    Best regards,


    Brilliant mike! thanks.
    But here too – it is important to know the amount of slides and choose it in “entry number field” if you have a multi-column layout for the slider.
    if you set to show all slides it will only show one dot

    you can see edited postslider.php here ( and download it too ) :
    if you like to have both arrows and dots – remove the outcomment signs on line 1021


    Just some brainstorming – without the entry number field the calculation will be wrong.
    Why don’t we use a calculation of how many posts are in the given categories ( taxonomies )?
    is it possible to get the number of post in the selected post-type ( f.e. with get_terms() )


    Instead of the above code at line 1059 in postslider.php add this code:

    protected function slide_navigation_dots()
        $args = array(
                    'total_entries'		=> $this->atts['items'],
                    'container_entries'	=> $this->atts['columns'],
                    'context'			=> get_class(),
                    'params'			=> $this->atts
        return aviaFrontTemplates::slide_navigation_dots( $args );

    in the backend Post Slider ▸ Content ▸ Filters ▸ Entry Number you will need to choose the number of entries, such as 6 in this example:
    I have submitted a feature request for the Dev Team to review this for a solution to allow the “All” option in Entry Number to work.

    Best regards,


    the items count on case “All” will be difficult to get – because we need to find out the number of posts, and in case of selecting multiple categories (or taxonomy) we need to have the adjusted total number of posts. If there are common posts.


    Guenni007, getting the items count on case “All” is above my knowledge so I submitted a feature request to add this option in the Post Slider like it is in the Content Slider and Günter has opened it, this could take a while as the Dev Team has a lot on their plate, but I feel encouraged that in a future update this may be available.
    For now, I recommend setting the number of entries as in the screenshot above.

    Best regards,

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