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  • #25338

    Hello, we have the need to be able to search thru 3 groups of categories at the same time when viewing a Portfolio. We would like the images to move on the screen like they do in the default template, but allow us to filter what is show to the user with three separate selection sections. Is it possible to create 3 parent categories and have each of those parents children listed in a separate line, each remembering their selection while one of the three is altered? I have created a screen that gets close to this by concatenating three categories and placing that in the category attribute of the [av_portfolio ] shortcode, but I loose the smooth movement of the images that you have created because I have to reload the page to make it work.

    can you point me in the right direction to get this done?




    No, unfortunately not without major modifications/customization. By default the isotope script supports one filter/sort level and we just use the default script functionality. If you want to implement several filter levels you need to rewrite the portfolio function in enfold/js/avia.js – search for

    $.fn.avia_iso_sort = function(options)

    and add your advanced filter logic/code to this function.


    thanks Dude !

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