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  • #184342

    Hi Kriesi Team,
    I’ve got a question concerning the permalinks, that go along with each portfolio entry. I’ve created a page and named it “showreel”, to show some videos our company has made. Every spot is a separate entry with a separate portfolio page. Unfortunately, every portfolio page is named like this in the permalink:

    name of my page/portfolio-item/name of video 1
    name of my page/portfolio-item/name of video 2 etc.

    I would like to have it this way:
    name of my page/showreel/name of video 1

    I came across a forum entry, that focuses on the same problem.
    But I couldn’t find a proper solution for me.

    My questions are:
    a) is it possible, to change portfolio permalinks simply in the programming back-end? Change php code etc..?
    b) can it be done via a plugin?
    c) or am I forced to create my own custom post type, like Davin suggested it? (#163128) Can it have the same functionality like the classic portfolio? It seems to me that this is the most elaborate solution, because I would have to create the post type and re-create each portfolio entry new.

    Thank you for your answer and best regards.


    Hey PeterPan2!

    Yes, you can change the “portfolio-item” slug. Go to Enfold > General Settings and on the option page you’ll find an option called “Portfolio: Enter a page slug that should be used for your portfolio single items”



    Thank you, Peter. That was really easy :-)

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by PeterPan2.
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