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  • #27870

    Hello, I need the portfolio grid on my homepage to stretch the full width of the screen. So I have 4 images now. I’d like for those images to stretch to the edge just like the slider is full width. It would look like the 4 images on the homepage.

    How can I achieve this?

    Thanks in advance.



    Insert a Color Section element then give it a unique id, “awesome” for example. Insert the Portfolio Grid element inside the Color Section. Add this on your custom.css or Quick CSS:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 1140px) {
    #awesome .container {
    width: 1300px;

    #awesome .container {
    width: 1000px;




    Unfortunately that did not work Ismael. I added just as you said the color section and the CSS. Take a look here.

    Need to have this resolved quickly! Please help. I can give you login credentials if needed.



    Actually, this is not an issue with the theme, this is a modification that you want and we suggest that you hire a freelance developer to do the changes for you. The code above that I gave you works on my end.

    The link you gave me requires login credentials.



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