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  • #363076

    Hi Team,

    how can I display two columns side by side on an iPhone/Smartphone instead of only one in portfolio grid view?

    Thanks and Cheers,
    Jan :)


    Hi jansthh!

    Please add following code to Quick CSS

    @media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {
    .responsive #top #wrap_all .grid-sort-container .grid-entry { width: 50%!important; }}



    Hey Yigit,

    wow, you are blazing fast! That worked perfectly! Thank you :)

    One more thing in portfolio: How can I remove the little arrow/triangle on the top of the portfolio title, which points to the portfolio image?




    Please add following code to Quick CSS as well

    .grid-content .avia-arrow {
    display: none;

    Best regards,


    Hey Yigit,

    thanks so much!

    One more thing: I insterted Icons in manual colums in the ajax preview: (please click on iPhone Smartphone and the preview with the next icon-layer appears). But that doesn’t look nice on mobile. I would want two icons side by side. Is that possible? I can’t use an image with two icons because I need individual links for each icon.

    Thanks. I really appreciate your help EVERY TIME. Awesome!

    Jan :)



    You can try this on Quick CSS to decrease the width of the one third column layout inside the portfolio preview:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .portfolio-preview-content .flex_column.av_one_third {
    width: 48% !important;



    Hi Ismael,

    thank you. That doesn’t really look nice for one third. Only for on fourth I guess.

    Bu thanks for trying!

    Jan :)

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