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  • #534399

    When you go to my portfolio page it used to have selectors for categories and now it goes to a blog layout with all portfolios and all links are broken

    This is my business/income and portfolios help me earn.

    Your help is needed badly and I very much appreciate the help.


    Hey BowmansArrowMarketing!

    Do you remember what changes you have done? Have you done any modifications to the theme files or the permalink structure, the Read Me settings, anything like that?



    I just updated to most recent enfold update through the dashboard.

    And the only other thing I can possibly think of is that when I did not hear back from you about my site migration, I uploaded this plugin to see if that would recover portfolios from enfold whe I changed to Genesis.

    That plugin allowed me to see the portfolios when on Genesis (before portfolio option on dashboard disappeared) so I then removed that plugin to continue working on my website.



    Please attempt flushing your permalinks (settings>permalinks>save), disabling your plugins and check your theme options to see what page has been assigned as your blog page.

    Please provide us with temporary admin access to your website if the above steps do not resolve the issue.

    Best regards,



    seems like you are using a different theme now. Let us know if we can help you out with Enfold theme. If yes then send us a link where we can see the issue clearly and we’ll take a look.


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