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  • #200749


    I also started to translate the enfold.pot file with Poedit to Turkish. It will take time but i will do it when i available:)

    Best regards.



    Thanks! I have already posted one but it is not fully translated :) Please see



    great job with romanian translation.

    please corect this in next release.

    in search box result is:
    Dacă nu sunteți mulțumit cu rezultatele de mai jos vă rugăm să face o altă căutare

    to be logic must be:

    Dacă nu sunteți mulțumit cu rezultatele de mai jos vă rugăm să faceți o altă căutare

    Thank you for your great job and theme.


    @yigit Hey:) I can continue your translation if you want? Is that ok for you or you gonna finish it? (I see that its on %86) Just inform me. Waiting for your answer.



    Feel free to finish :) I am busy lately so i do not think i will be able to finish it 100% some time soon :)


    This reply has been marked as private.


    Please contact me on so we can keep this thread cleaner for the ones looking for translation files :)

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Yigit.

    Hi, i’m working on the German translation. Got it to 70%.
    Where do i have do send the files? Or what should i do to share the Files?



    Actually I already created a German translation of Enfold ( /wp-content/themes/enfold/lang/de_DE.po ) and my translation covers nearly all front end text strings. You can share your files with a data storage service like: – just upload the po file and post a link to it. I’ll then compare your translation with the existing translation files and merge them.



    Happy New Year :-)

    I will Upload my file on monday. I’m translating the backend.
    Found some nice words for some Content elements :-)



    Awesome – thank you :)



    Hi there …
    The german translation is finished up to 93% I translated the backend!
    I need only to translate the LayerSlider WP, but i cant see the translations i did for this plugin yet. Dont know why… Trying to get a solution for this. Would like to finish it! Help? :-)

    Here you can download my translation (93% finished). I used a formal translation with “Sie”:

    Download all files (PHP, PO, MO)

    Else …
    In some PHP files were some files translation tags missing. I added them to the PHP-Files. PHP-Files are attached in my download package. The german language is different than the english language. Words are longer. Thats why i changed the width of the “shortcode_insert_button” from 66px to 100px. It looks good, works fine and also leaves enough space for the text. I think it would be a benefit for other languages too​​. It would be great if this could be included in the next update enfold! Here is an example of my admin area with this new size.

    Adminpanel German

    Changes were made in: enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/assets/css/avia-builder.css

    My CSS:

    .shortcode_insert_button {
    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF;
    border: 1px solid #E1E1E1;
    color: #777777;
    display: block;
    float: left;
    font-size: 11px;
    height: 50px;
    line-height: 13px;
    margin: 0 3px 3px 0;
    outline: medium none;
    overflow: hidden;
    padding: 4px 2px 10px;
    position: relative;
    text-align: center;
    text-decoration: none;
    width: 100px;

    Other changes:
    As mentioned in several files were missing the translation tags.
    I have added them. Below, the list of affected files:


    Row 42
    “std” => __(“Note”, ‘avia_framework’ ),

    Row 78
    “std” => __(“This is a notification of some sort.”, ‘avia_framework’ ),



    Row 42
    __(‘Display blog posts’, ‘avia_framework’) =>’posts’,

    Row 43
    __(‘Display entries from a custom taxonomy’, ‘avia_framework’) =>’taxonomy’)),

    Row 66
    “name” => __(“Blog Style”, ‘avia_framework’ ),

    “desc” => __(“Choose the default blog layout here.”, ‘avia_framework’ ),

    Rows 74 – 77
    “subtype” => array( __(‘Multi Author Blog (displays Gravatar of the article author beside the entry and feature images above)’, ‘avia_framework’) =>’multi-big’,
    __(‘Single Author, small preview Pic (no author picture is displayed, feature image is small)’, ‘avia_framework’) =>’single-small’,
    __(‘Single Author, big preview Pic (no author picture is displayed, feature image is big)’, ‘avia_framework’) =>’single-big’,
    __(‘Grid Layout’, ‘avia_framework’) =>’blog-grid’,


    Row 103
    “std” => __(“List Content goes here”, ‘avia_framework’ ) ,


    Row 23
    $this->config[‘name’] = __(‘Color Section’, ‘avia_framework’ );



    Row 48
    “std” => __(“Hello”, ‘avia_framework’ ),

    Row 66
    “subtype” => array( __(“Default Color”, ‘avia_framework’ )=>”, __(“Meta Color”, ‘avia_framework’ )=>’meta-heading’, __(“Custom Color”, ‘avia_framework’ )=>’custom-color-heading’)

    Row 86
    “subtype” => array( __(“Default Style”, ‘avia_framework’ )=>”, __(“Heading Style Modern (left)”, ‘avia_framework’ )=>’blockquote modern-quote’ , __(“Heading Style Modern (centered)”, ‘avia_framework’ )=>’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’, __(“Heading Style Classic (centered, italic)”, ‘avia_framework’ )=>’blockquote classic-quote’)

    Row 105
    “subtype” => array( __(“No Subheading”, ‘avia_framework’ )=>”, __(“Display subheading above”, ‘avia_framework’ ) =>’subheading_above’, __(“Display subheading below”, ‘avia_framework’ )=>’subheading_below’),


    Rown: 46 & 47
    ‘label’ => __(‘Portfolio Categories’,’avia_framework’),
    ‘singular_label’ => __(‘Portfolio Category’,’avia_framework’),


    Row 48
    “add_label” => __(“Add single image”, ‘avia_framework’ ),


    Added following tags to “de_DE.po”:

    One special case in de_DE.po:

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/contact.php:115
    msgid "If the width is set to 50% for 2 consecutive form items they will appear beside each other instead of underneath"
    msgstr "Wenn die Breite auf 50% von 2 aufeinander folgenden Formularelemente gesetzt ist, werden diese nebeneinander statt in einer neuen Zeile erscheinen

    I have deleted one single line with the content
    #, Php-format
    With the line i got constantly error messages with the translations as soon as i typed a text in German version. Now it works but I do not know exactly why … Therefore, please check this.

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/slideshow_fullscreen.php:48
    msgid “Add single image”
    msgstr “Einzelnes Bild hinzufügen”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: includes/admin/register-portfolio.php:46
    msgid “Portfolio Categories”
    msgstr “Portfolio Kategorien”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: includes/admin/register-portfolio.php:47
    msgid “Portfolio Category”
    msgstr “Portfolio Kategorie”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/contact.php:115
    msgid “If the width is set to 50% for 2 consecutive form items they will appear beside each other instead of underneath”
    msgstr “Wenn die Breite auf 50% von 2 aufeinander folgenden Formularelemente gesetzt ist, werden diese nebeneinander statt in einer neuen Row erscheinen”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/blog.php:66
    msgid “Blog Style”
    msgstr “Blog-Stil”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/blog.php:42
    msgid “Display blog posts”
    msgstr “Zeige Blog-Beiträge”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/blog.php:43
    msgid “Display entries from a custom taxonomy”
    msgstr “Zeige Einträge aus einer benutzerdefinierten Taxonomie”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/heading.php:48
    msgid “Hello”
    msgstr “Eine nette Überschrift”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/blog.php:67
    msgid “Choose the default blog layout here.”
    msgstr “Wählen Sie die Standard Blog-Gestaltung aus”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/blog.php:74
    msgid “”
    “Multi Author Blog (displays Gravatar of the article author beside the entry ”
    “and feature images above)”
    msgstr “”
    “Multi-Autor Blog (Zeigt Gravatar des Artikel-Autors neben dem Eintrag und ”
    “Feature-Bild darüber)”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/blog.php:75
    msgid “”
    “Single Author, small preview Pic (no author picture is displayed, feature ”
    “image is small)”
    msgstr “”
    “Einzelner Autor, kleines Miniaturbild (kein Autorenbild dargestellt, kleines ”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/blog.php:76
    msgid “”
    “Single Author, big preview Pic (no author picture is displayed, feature ”
    “image is big)”
    msgstr “”
    “Einzelner Autor, großes Miniaturbild (kein Autorenbild dargestellt, großes ”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/blog.php:77
    msgid “Grid Layout”
    msgstr “Raster-Layout”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/heading.php:90
    msgid “Heading Size”
    msgstr “Größe der Überschrift”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/heading.php:91
    msgid “Size of your Heading in Pixel”
    msgstr “Textgröße der Überschrift in Pixel”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/heading.php:99
    msgid “Subheading”
    msgstr “Untertitel”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/heading.php:100
    msgid “Add an extra descriptive subheading above or bellow the actual heading”
    msgstr “Zusätzlicher Untertitel über oder unterhalb der eigentlichen Überschrift”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/heading.php:66
    msgid “Default Color”
    msgstr “Standard Farbe”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/heading.php:66
    msgid “Meta Color”
    msgstr “Meta Farbe”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/heading.php:105
    msgid “No Subheading”
    msgstr “Kein Untertitel”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/heading.php:105
    msgid “Display subheading above”
    msgstr “Untertitel oberhalb anzeigen”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/heading.php:105
    msgid “Display subheading below”
    msgstr “Untertitel unterhalb anzeigen”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/heading.php:109
    msgid “Subheading Text”
    msgstr “Text für Untertitel”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/heading.php:110
    msgid “Add your subheading here”
    msgstr “Geben Sie hier Text für den Untertitel ein.”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/heading.php:116
    msgid “Subheading Size”
    msgstr “Textgröße des Untertitels”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/heading.php:117
    msgid “Size of your subeading in Pixel”
    msgstr “Geben Sie einen Wert in Pixel ein (z.B. 14px)”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/icon.php:49
    msgid “Icon Style”
    msgstr “Icon-Stil”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/icon.php:50
    msgid “Here you can set the style of the icon. Either display it inline as part of some text or let it stand alone with border and optional caption”
    msgstr “Sie können das Icon als Inline-Element (umgeben von Text) oder alleinstehend mit Rahmen und optionaler Bildunterschrift darstellen.”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/icon.php:56
    msgid “Default inline style”
    msgstr “Icon als Inline-Element”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/icon.php:57
    msgid “Standalone Icon with border and optional caption”
    msgstr “Icon alleinstehend mit optionaler Bildunterschrift”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/icon.php:62
    msgid “Icon Caption”
    msgstr “Icon-Bildunterschrift”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/icon.php:63
    msgid “A small caption bellow the icon”
    msgstr “Ergänzen Sie das Icon um einen Text. Dieser erscheint unterhalb des Icons.”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/iconlist.php:103
    msgid “List Content goes here”
    msgstr “Geben Sie hier Ihren gewünschten Textinhalt ein.”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/icon.php:126
    msgid “Optional Tooltip”
    msgstr “Optionaler Tool-Tipp.”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/icon.php:127
    msgid “Add a tooltip for this Icon. The tooltip will appear on mouse over”
    msgstr “Ergänzen Sie das Icon um einen Tool-Tipp. Dieser erscheint bei Mouse-Over.”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/notification.php:42
    msgid “Note”
    msgstr “Hinweis”

    # @ avia_framework
    #: config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/notification.php:44
    msgid “This is the text that appears in your Notification.”
    msgstr “Dies ist der Text, der in Ihrer Mitteilung angezeigt wird.”

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by docperi.


    Awesome – thank you. I managed to merge all changes and translations and we’ll include the with the next update.



    I need only to translate the LayerSlider WP, but i cant see the translations i did for this plugin yet. Dont know why… Trying to get a solution for this. Would like to finish it! Help?

    cheers :-)



    If you want to translate LayerSlider you need to activate it as a standalone plugin. Copy the plugin folder from /wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider/LayerSlider/ to wp-content/plugins and deactivate the Enfold theme (i.e. activate the default theme instead). Then go to the plugins admin screen, activate LayerSlider, switch back to the themes page and activate Enfold. Afterwards you can use the Codestyling plugin: to translate the LayerSlider plugin files.



    This is my complete italian translation of the version 2.4.4.
    Best regards,
    Giuseppe Beghelli

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by elmanisero.


    @elmanisero: Thank you so much. :)




    Great – thank you. We’ll include it with the next theme update.



    Here is translation into the Russian



    @Sergei sbasibo bolshoe :)



    Hi guys

    This is for the Kriesi team or the Dutch translators and techies.

    I don’t know where and how to fix this, but there’s a little yet big translation error in the Dutch files. The “you are here” has been translated as being “U bevind zich hier”. Yet, that should be “U bevindt zich hier”.

    Could someone fix that? And keep it like that, surviving future theme updates :$ Sorry, this seems really lazy… but I really don’t know.




    You can use this plugin to fix it
    I will let Peter and Kriesi know about it

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    You can post updated files here. You can use Dropbox to upload your files. Multumesc

    Best regards,




    Hi Yigit!

    Thank you for the quick response, the notice, and the plugin tip. And boy oh boy – did you just make my day! That is one awesome plugin.

    I did forget to press that ‘create mo file’ button at first… which is kind of essential to effectuate it all. Only a minor thing ;) lol. Anyway, for a non-tech guy trying to start up a biz this tip is beyond awesome. So, thanks again, Yigit!

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by Remco Geelen.


    You are welcome, glad we could help :) I sent fixed file to Kriesi so it will be added in upcoming update. Thanks for the heads up!



    Theme Options menu and LayerSlider WP doesn’t translating, because it haven’t array( __(“any text”, ‘avia_framework’ ). Please fix it in the new 2.5 version. If I translate register-admin-options.php file directly, theme options menu becomes nonworking.
    Also, Enfold doesn’t support any cyrrilic Google Font except ‘Open Sans’. After all updates I add this line:
    into register-admin-options.php file. So as you see, it needs to change a procedure of selectiong Google Fonts – replace dropdown list with fonts on text-input field where any user can put own code, that generated by Google Fonts, for exsample this:
    @import url(|Lobster);
    or update font list (add all Google fonts).

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by Bogdan.

    Hi to all ;

    Can anyone tell if if french version has been finished ? If yes, where could I download it ?

    Thnaks for any return.



    Hi Kean45.

    I am not more than jjust a user and a true n00b, but still, Filezilla shows me French is one of the standard Enfold languages. As is Dutch. Which loads perfectly. So, I guess if you buy the theme it’ll work out fine. And if you already did… Check out these forum topics and solutions:

    Best of luck!

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