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  • #353012

    Suddenly all my pictures are gone … they do not appear !! What is happening? Help me !!
    The only page where they appear is on the index page.



    Can you please post the link to your website?

    Best regards,


    I you have the same problem as me check folders permission. Suddenly wp-content and subfolders has 750 instead of 755, and images has 640 instead of 644. The only thing changed on my wordpress installation is jetpack update.

    Peter Ottingius


    Hej Peter.

    Where do i check folders permission?



    Please see –
    But images are being loaded fine on your page. Can you please try de-activating all active plugins and check if that helps?



    Connect by ftp or use the filemanager in your webhotel interface. But I can se pictures on your site now

    Held og lykke med fejlfinding

    Peter Ottingius


    Hej Peter.

    Nej de vises stadig ikke. Det er kun på fkorsiden (index) at de vises…
    Hvad skal jeg gøre?

    venlig hilsen og tak :)


    Hej igen Peter.

    I går var jeg inde i wordpress og opdatere div plugins. Efter du har skrevet har jeg deaktiveret alle plugins og nu virker det igen. Har du en liste over de mest nødvendige plugins? mvh Carsten


    Plugins kan man använda till massor av olika saker, beror helt på vad man är ute efter för funktioner. Jag kan berätta i morgon vad jag använder för plugins. Men gå in på min hemsida och se vad jag har för e-post adress. skicka ett e-post till mig så jag kan få dina kontakt uppgifter, så tar vi din fråga utanför forumet.



    Seems like deactivating plugins helped. Please let us know if you have any other questions or issues and when you finish your conversation so we can mark the thread as resolved :)

    Thanks for your help!

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit

    Now I have disabled all plugins. Then enabled them one by one and it seems that it is “Better WordPress Minify” that conflicts.

    problem solved – thank you all :)

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