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  • #1010964

    i would like to know what i have to do to be able to zoom the text and the picture on the smartphone.
    because for some of my user, it is still to small on the smartphone.


    Hey lrdh,

    Unfortunately when you have a responsive site it disables mobile zoom. You would need to switch to the non responsive setting in the theme options and use the fixed version.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi, I tried to use Ismael’s solution, and in fact it worked, but after modifying the header.php file, above the menu at the top of the site a space was created and a code principle appears at the loading of each page .
    now I had to reload the original header.php file, because my site is only live, so you can not see the problem, but if you warn me when you can pay attention to this request I can repeat the operation, so that if this is possible, you will find a solution
    Thank you for your wonderful service.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Marco.


    Sorry for the delay. Can you please recreate the issue?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hello, Thanks for the answer, do not worry about the delay, it was not urgent, but now having recreated the problem it became ….
    I followed the instructions by modifying the header.php file ( Thise
    as you can see you created a space above the main menu and when you reload the page comes out that strange screen.
    if there’s another way to zoom in, it might be a good idea.

    I also enter the data for login

    Thanks, I’m waiting for instructions



    Can you add the URL again as well?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    ops, sorry, Yesss , sure


    Hi Sachasilvestri,

    Here is the code you can put in Enfold > General Styling > Quick Css,  if it does not work, put into themes/enfold/css/custom.css

    @media only screen and (max-width:767px){
        body, p, em {
            font-size: 16px;

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,


    Hello, Many thanks for your reply,
    Unfortunately does not run well,
    What can I do to solve the problem?

    Best regards

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Marco.


    Did you try adding the code to the very top of quick css so that it runs first? Also be sure to clear the cache a few times over.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi , Yes.. But it is the same problem…


    Hi Sachasilvestri,

    The code just makes the text bigger on mobile. Does it not do it for you?

    Best regards,


    Hello ! Thanks for your answer..
    I’m afraid there’s been a misunderstanding ..
    the problem is related to the space that was created above the main menu.
    this space that does not have to exist has been created after modifying the header.php file to make the mobile version of the site with the zoom ( Thise
    so there are 2 options:
    – I could put back the original enfold header.php file, to remove that space, and then find another way to make the site with zoom for mobile phones
    – or we should find the way to eliminate that space.
    please, look at the site to see the problem yourself.
    Thank you very much for your help


    Hi Sacha,

    Best regards,


    Could you please help me?


    I found the error in your header.php that was printing the space at the top of your page, and removed it:

    " />

    Please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,


    não I have words to make you enough compliments! You are fantastic !! I was afraid you had forgotten me .. but here is the answer … Really thank you so much !!
    Have a Beautyfoul Day and merry christmas !!! 😃😃👏👏 👍👍


    Glad we could help, have a Merry Christmas !!
    Unless there is anything else we can help with on this issue, shall we close this then?

    Best regards,


    Yes, this problem we can file it, Thanks!

    I have another problem to deal with, but I do not know if it is necessary to open another post ..
    this problem refers to the integration of the “post Grid” plugin
    This plugin works with shortcoode, but I think there is some compatibility problem with the theme.
    if I create a gallery of articles using the free version of the plug in, it works, if I use the paid version I can not create new galleries …
    I have to create the gallery with the free version, and then uninstall the grati version and put the paid version …
    the plug in support did not give me any answer …
    I’ve just created a gallery with the intent to show you the problem … You can find the shortcode at the bottom of the page (link in private)
    I hope you can help me this time too ..
    Many thanks


    Sorry I don’t see any errors on the page so I’m unsure why the free version works and not the paid version, perhaps the paid version is pinging some url for licensing or trying to call a outside file and your Wordfence Security is protecting your site thus blocking the paid version? Try disabling your other plugins.
    Sorry, this plugin is outside our scope for support, hopefully the plugin author will assist you soon.

    Best regards,


    Excuse me, ok, I’ll try to explain better ..
    on page 1 of the backend (which is in private), if you go to the end of the editor find a block of code, where there is a shortcode to bring up a grid of the plug-in “post grid”.
    if it goes to page 2 of the backend (in private) find the post grid section where it provides the code both shortcode and php (I really do not know what the php code is for, but the shortcode code should be sufficient)

    in this way the grid gallery should be shown in the front end at the bottom of page 3 in private.
    but this does not happen. moreover, this page 3 is very slow to load.

    I hope you can help me, solving this problem would allow me to make many improvements ..
    Thank you for your assistance.


    I have taken another look for you, and I found that it seems to only partially work, please see the links in the Private Content area.
    When it does work it doesn’t show the images from the portfolio posts, I believe this is because the portfolio is created with the advanced layout builder.
    I assume that if you built your posts with the default WordPress editor, the plugin would work.
    Unfortunately making this plugin work with Enfold is outside our scope for support.

    Best regards,


    Thanks anyway to the check, I understand that this time you can not work with that plug in.
    alternatively, I could solve another problem which is why I was interested in that gallery …
    the hosting company where my site is installed, provides the optimization plugin “sg optimize” that has the Lazy Load option of previews, except that if active that option, the preview images in the frontend of one overlap the other.
    Is it probably easier to solve this problem?
    (data in private)


    Yes the lazy load delays the load animation and causes masonry errors. Typically we advise against using this because it also causes JS errors.
    I tested your page with & without the lazy load and it typically saves you less that a half of a second.

    Best regards,


    admire your completeness in the information .. Thanks.
    alternatively, as a last resort, it could be redoing that page with the gutemberg editor layout, I actually also tried, but I do not know how to resume the styles, fonts I’m using now through avia layout builder.
    Thank you very much for your patience.


    Thank you, can I ask why you want to change the page?
    When I look at it, it loads well and quickly, I see the info, it seems well laid out… etc.
    Perhaps if you explain what is wrong with it I can offer some ideas?

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike, Well found again, sorry if I answer only now but I had that little problem. I hope you’ve had some great Holidays!
    So I wanted to change it because I believe that even half a second is important for s.e.o. in fact, 2 days ago I put the lazy out on the page (link 1 in private) and with that page I immediately jumped to the first position on google.
    To solve these problems, it would be easier for me to customize enfold galleries rather than using others with external plugins.

    – I noticed that the gallery of articles, for example that of link 1 (in private) works perfectly with lazy load technology. for the other pages I have to be able to create a similar gallery But with the description, comments count, and the possibility to put it in random order in order to replicate replace the galleries similar to those in the link 2, where you see the description, the button read more (changed to make an appointment) and lazy out.
    Can you guide me in these changes?
    Many thanks for the ta availability …

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Marco.

    Sorry for the late reply, I hope to had a nice holiday also.
    I understand that you want to make some changes to “Link 1”,
    to change the “Keep reading” button to “Make an appointment”
    Try adding this code to the end of your functions.php file in Appearance > Editor:

    function custom_more_link(){
    $(".more-link").text("Make an Appointment");
    add_action('wp_footer', 'custom_more_link');

    to hide the date, Please try this code in the General Styling > Quick CSS field or in the WordPress > Customize > Additional CSS field:

    .slide-meta-time,.slide-meta-del {
    display: none !important;

    To add the description, choose the option “Only Title + Read More Link” in the post slider.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike, good morning!
    Apologise, you could not really see what I meant because I did not have enough patience and yesterday morning I changed the galleries, so you did not have the right references. I’m really sorry.

    However, your answer was useful and I changed the text of the link “keep reading”
    now gallery 1 goes quite well, even if it would be great to replace the date of the last change with the date of the last comment received from the related article with the writing “Last Review January 16, 2019”

    now the problem is this:
     in gallery 2 and other similar I like hide the date. This gallery should be with the description, the comment count and also be in random order and not in date order. I would like something similar to the first gallery at the top of link 3 in private.

    I tried to use the second code sent to me but it does not work, and in any case I think it would also hide the date in gallery 1.

    To make it easier to understand my requests, I explain that in reality I need 3 types of gallery on my site:
    -1 Gallery, the one from link 1 goes quite well, even if it would be great to replace the date of the last change with the date of the last comment received from the related article with the writing “Last Review January 16, 2019”

    -2 The gallery of link 2 but in random order and without date, keeping only the description and the number of comments something similar to the first gallery at the top of link 3 in private.

    – 3 filterable gallery with description and number of comments and in chronological order (may be showing the date of last changes but for me it is not important.)
    Like the gallery 3,( Link 3 but second gallery in this page , down the first gallery ) made with a plugin that is from other problems because it does not work with the lazy load

    can you help me? I promise I will not change the galleries until your answer. Thank you. :-)

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Marco.

    Thank you for the feedback, I would like to assist, but some of these requests are more involved than a few lines of code, they would require more than our scope of service, such as:
    “replace the date of the last change with the date of the last comment received”
    and making the blog posts filterable.
    We do have the masonry element that is filterable and will show random. If you try this, try the settings “perfect grid” & “high portrait” for the images.
    But to make your other blog posts random, Try adding this code to the end of your functions.php file in Appearance > Editor:

    add_filter('avia_blog_post_query', 'avia_modify_post_grid_query_rand');
    function avia_modify_post_grid_query_rand( $query ) {
    $query['orderby'] = 'rand';
    return $query;

    Best regards,

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