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  • #240976

    The Enfold theme appears to be using PHPSESSID in a number of PHP files. I am using the enfold wordpress theme in a subfolder of an existing website. The PHPSESSID’s are being picked up by Google which is reporting errors and server access issues because of the PHPSESSID links inserted by the theme. This was not an issue until I stated using the Enfold theme. I tried to disable the PHPSESSID’s in the htaccess file, but the entire site had issues. I need to clean these up because my page rank is going down. Do you have any suggestions?


    Hi rogersmedia!

    PHPSESSID, has nothing to do with Enfold theme, this is being set by php itself which helps to keep track of cookies …, if you want to disable them you could try to disable them on your .httacess here is a good article that shows you how to.



    The session_start() command is used in at least 4 files under the Enfold theme files provide. This command is causing the issue. Thanks for the link, but I already tried to eliminate saving the PHPSESSID urls in .httacess by using the commands providing in the article referenced. I tried this last week before I submitted the support request. The article is 8 years old and does not work, it crashes my entire site. Is there another way?



    Here are some examples of where the theme is creating the PHPSESSID from session_start:

    In enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/masonry_entries.php
    Line 33

    In enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/portfolio.php

    It is not a required command in PHP.

    The PHPSESSID errors are really hurting my search rankings.

    I have bought 2 licenses for Enfold so far, but this is not going to work if I cannot resolve.



    What version of PHP are you using?



    PHP 5.3 – Thanks



    Try adding this in your functions.php file:


    Best regards,


    Thanks for providing the php command. I included this command in the enfold theme functions.php file, but Google is still reporting 404 errors on my site 3 days after I updated the files. It is attaching the PHPSESSID with a cookie code to many different html links. So when google goes back to try to find the files, they are not there of course, because the SESSID code changes each time. Do you have any other suggestions?




    The sessions are used to set the breadcrumbs but there shouldn’t be any instance where they would or should be getting picked up by a crawler. I’ll tag the topic for Peter and Kriesi who are both more familiar with the function but its the first I’ve heard of something like this in the 20k+ instances of the theme being out in the wild so its a bit odd.




    Enfold creates a session for each website visitor to store the breadcrumb structure. Otherwise we wouldn’t be able to generate proper breadcrumbs for portfolio and masonry grids. No other user reported a “crawler” problem and I’m pretty sure it’s a server configuration issue. If you want to remove the session open up wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/masonry_entries.php and wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/portfolio.php and delete

    if(!is_admin() && !session_id()) session_start();

    Alternatively you can try to contact your hoster and ask them to tweak the server configuration for you and to fix the PHPSESSID references…



    Thanks for the reply. I will give it a try.

    So far, I have bought 2 licenses for Enfold. Both are installed on the same server in completely separate domains. One install is a wordpress-only domain. I am not having any PHPSESSID 404 errors reported on this domain in Webmaster tools. The other install is an established website, where the install was placed in a specific directory. The PHPSESSID 404 errors reported by Google are all attached to the html pages of the website. Its weird, even when I work on the html pages in Dreamweaver, when I update a single page and upload directly to the domain, it takes much longer now. I can see Dreamweaver checking a whole bunch of PHP files, even though I have only selected a single file to compare local vs. server. I do not believe it has anything to do with the server since my other install is functioning correctly, but I will try to remove the session_start references and go from there.

    Thanks again.



    Ok, I’ll close this thread for now. If you’ve a follow up question (or another unrelated question) please start a new thread.


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