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  • #947958

    Hello dear Kriesi team,

    is there a way to place a telephone number at the same height as the Menu and Logo instead of above?
    I created a screenshot to explain what I mean.
    Thank you very much!


    Hey UNID2017,

    Please check this link to add the phone number or any text next to the logo.

    Best regards,


    Hi Vinay,
    thank you very much, unfortunately none of the code snippets work for me.



    I have tested the below code in my installation and I assure you it works 100%

    First, remove all previous code.

    Add the below function to your child theme functions.php

    add_filter('avf_logo_subtext', 'kriesi_logo_addition');
    function kriesi_logo_addition($sub) {
        $sub .= '<span>+49 711 656782-17</span>';
        return $sub;

    Copy the below code to your style sheet or add it to Quick CSS in Enfold > General Styling

    .logo .subtext span {
        font-weight: 600;
        z-index: 999;
        display: inline-block;
        position: absolute;
        top: 0;
        right: -100%;
        color: red;

    Best regards,


    Vinay! Thank you very much! :)
    It works now. Thank you for the great help.
    I just have one more thing to ask. When writing »Jetzt informieren: +49 711 656782-17« the text moves quite close to the Logo when the menu shrinks down. Is there a way to add some spacing between the logo and the phone number when the menu gets smaller from scrolling?
    Additionally, is there a way to add an action to directly call the number when clicking it?

    Thank you for the amazing support!


    Please see this for Phone Number Links
    To move the number on scroll, Try this code in the General Styling > Quick CSS field:

    #header.header-scrolled .subtext span {
    right: -190% !important;

    adjust to suit.

    Best regards,


    Is there a way to do this and link the phone number with an “a tel:” separably from the logo href that links to site root?



    Adding the tel link (yellow in the screenshot) to the span creates a separate link below the logo link (green in the screenshot)

    add_filter('avf_logo_subtext', 'kriesi_logo_addition');
    function kriesi_logo_addition($sub) {
        $sub .= '<span><a href="tel://1-555-555-5555">+1 (555) 555-5555</a></span>';
        return $sub;

    But I would recommend creating a header widget area and placing your phone link in it for better control.

    Best regards,


    //number contact next to logo
    add_filter(‘avf_logo_subtext’, ‘kriesi_logo_addition’);
    function kriesi_logo_addition($sub)
    $sub .= “<span class=’logo-title’>”;
    $sub .= ‘PH (651) 777-1200′;
    $sub .= “</span>”;
    $sub .= “<span class=’logo-title logo-subtitle’>”;
    $sub .= ‘ ‘;
    $sub .= “</span>”;
    return $sub;

    This is the code that I am using now when I add a link it drop below the header.


    Thank you for sharing your solution, glad we were able to help. Thanks for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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