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  • #759580


    Is ist possible to show the partner/Logo Elelemtns in a slider by a random order?

    Best regards,


    Hey etcpp,
    Using Enfold’s native partner/logo element, it is not possible. You are going to need to find a plugin for such feature or hire a freelance developer for such customization.

    Best regards,


    Try this.

    Enfold version 4.5.4:
    /config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/logoslider/logoslider.php, row 603 add this:

    shuffle($this->subslides); //add this before the foreach loop
    foreach( $this->subslides as $key => $slides )

    If you want to randomize only one element, use

    if(avia_partner_logo::$slider == 2) {

    Hey jaripp,

    Thanks for the input on this!

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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