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  • #841295


    I tried the parallax effect with color section -> works great but I can’t add a headline in the area I want (tried it with text field). I now want to try it with the layer slider. The background image doesn’t move. So I leave it without background image and have a image layer instead. I set the parallax level to -20 (in this way the image moves slower upwards than the text what I intend) and Distance to 10, but then the neutral position of the image is few px lower as it should be. I just want to have it like in the color section with the freedom to position my headline where I want.

    How can I realise this? Best would be to integrate layer slider into color section.


    Hey kanzlei_werner,
    Try using a color section with background image set to fixed, in the demo the height is 500px.
    For the headline, try using a special heading element.
    Hope these screenshots of the settings help.

    Best regards,



    yes this helped. Maybe some day it’s possible to integrate the layer slider into the color section.

    But with the color section (set to “fixed”) I don’t have the parallax effect on iPhone 7 and iPad. How can I fix this?

    Former posts said this function was taken out, but I found some Demosites where it’s working on iOS mobile devices.


    I see what you mean:
    Sorry, I didn’t know, I’m on W10 and Android.
    But, I did find this code that might help :)

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .av-parallax-inner.alternate_color.avia-full-stretch {
    background-size: 206% 69% !important;
    background-position: 66% 100% !important;

    Best regards,


    Hello Mike,

    what does this code effect? I can’t see a difference. This issue of the parallax problem is not working 3 years now. I thought it maybe would work these days. Any chance to get a CSS Code?



    yes this helped. Maybe some day it’s possible to integrate the layer slider into the color section. But with the color section (set to “fixed”) I don’t have the parallax effect on iPhone 7 and iPad

    The theme disables the parallax script on mobile devices by default due to performance and compatibility issues. Please request the feature here:

    Best regards,

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