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  • #1143642

    When you create a tab section with different tabs, and inside each tab insert a Blog articles element, the the pagination on the posts lists doesn’t work.
    For example when you are on the first tab and click on page 2 of the pagination, it reloads the page and moves to page 2 on each one of the posts lists in each tab.
    The expected behavior would be for example that we can move to page 2 on the first tab, then switch tab and go to page 5, etc. Each tab handling the pagination of posts lists on its own.
    Is there a workaround or a fix for this ?


    Hey mike235,

    Yes, the pagination will work for stand-alone blog element, when the element is nested somewhere it does not work at this moment, unfortunately, an Enfold does not have ajax pagination, so you might want to use a different component.

    Best regards,

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