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  • #615863

    Hallo apreciated service-team,
    although I’ve deactivated pagination it appears in the masonry-overview in the second moment when I’ve accessed it by the side-name (titel) in the titel- breadcrumb line form out the side itselft, no matter which site i use for the blog. That wouldn’t be a big deal but it doesn’t function then and visitors allways get the first page again. I use wp 4.5 and the current enfold theme. For the meantime i have deactivated the titel-breadcrumb-line. I prefer that to changing any code, as I’m no programmer, just want you to know – perhaps this bug appears seldom, when users click on the measonry-titel in the titel-breadcrumb-line from out of the measonry instead of scrolling to the posts more at the beginning, more at the top or instead of using the menue. and many admins just don’t notice that. With access from the menue the measonry works fine.
    thanks, greetings, Rudi


    Hey Rudi!

    Thanks for getting in touch with us!

    Could you please provide login details to your site, so that we can have a closer look. You can place the information in the Private Content section of your reply.



    Hey Jordan,
    sorry, it functions now – must have been with the cache or on the server – although I’ve tried often… thank you for the answer and the inconveniance.

    thread can be deleated

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