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  • #799313

    could you maybe help me understand and fix the issue of theme pages I dont use and do not have in my sitemap are showing up when I am searching for my biz name on google see links for SE results, site map and URL to my website

    thank you


    Hey Dee007,

    Since your website is live and those pages are published, search engines will see those pages even if they are not in your sitemap. Please try making those pages Private, or unpublished into Drafts. You may delete them, as well, if you’re not going to use them.

    You an select multiple posts/pages, and unpublish them. In case you need help navigating the Posts Screen, please see

    Best regards,


    Hey Sarah,
    I’m not sure we are on the same page…. non of my posts/pages have these names and all of the nonrelevant post/pages are on draft or private…
    please take a look at attached screenshots in private



    Thank you for the screenshots. Unfortunately, your pages are indeed accessible even though they are drafts. It’s possible that this is because of caching. This is not an Enfold issue, even though the pages are from the demo.

    Can you check the solutions here and see if they help you?

    Best regards,


    Sarah, something doesn’t add up….
    I clear cashing from both WordPress and browser – No change
    I deactivated all plugins – No change
    I tried incognito – No change

    I don’t know if the theme ” displaying your posts using a custom query?” – is it? (possible issue suggestion from the link you sent me)

    Where are these pages coming from? As I said, no page/post I have has these names…. where can I find them in my wordpress/file directory?

    Furthermore, how come the SE only shows them and none of my actual pages?
    This is a very big deal if Google cant index my pages…. please advise.



    you need to delete those pages you don’t want to show up on Google. It’s default behavior that they show up. Switch to a default WP theme and you’re going to experience the same thing.

    Let us know in a new ticket if you have theme related questions and we’re happy to support you.

    Best regards,


    I’ll be happy to delete them, could you please tell me here are these pages coming from? As I said, no page/post I have has these names…. where can I find them in my wordpress/file /theme directory?


    Hi Dee007,

    The last two are the links to your “tag” pages. Those could be very old results. I think you should look into robots.txt file and tell explicitly what to index and what not to. Here is where you can start

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,
    a bit confused here since ti seems you are all recommending different things for the same issue…
    I also asked around (Quora) and other FB groups about this issue and all things considered, no one seems to agree “It defaults behavior that they show up” Like Andy said…
    As for your suggestion – I do not have any tags (see screenshot)

    I am not tech savvy and have no idea how to work with the robots.txt file.

    Please advise.


    Hi Dee007,

    Did you have those tags before?
    You have tags on the screenshot here
    Here is more on robots.txt

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,
    Yes, I did and when I have seen these pages I deleted them as advised by another supporter in this thread.
    As for blocking these pages, I ask again – where are they? How can I block them without knowing their ID and how do I get their ID without knowing where they are?



    It takes Google a while before they refresh their cache, so even if you do remove your pages properly, they might still show up on Google Search Results for a while. They’ll be gone eventually, though.

    When we click on the links in Google search results, they do lead to your 404/”Nothing found” page. So that’s good.

    Can you provide us admin access into your site so we can take a look, just to check?

    Best regards,


    Hello again Shara
    The links have been going to a 404/”Nothing found” for a while now…
    See private for temp access



    Hi Dee,

    Thank you for the access. It looks like everything is set up okay. We can’t control when Google reindexes sites, and it’s only been a week since you deleted the unrelevant posts. The only thing to do now is wait. If it’s any consolation, one of the pages that was in the search results page is not there anymore. (Video Editing Archives) 

    Like what Andy said, I suggest you ask WordPress or Google forums if you need further help, since this is not a theme-related issue.

    If you have any questions about your theme, please open a new thread and we will gladly try to help you.
    Best regards,


    ok thanks



    Glad we could help. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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