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  • #765300

    This seems to be related to the problem I experienced recently – and am still experiencing.
    Now two of my pages are not showing in Firefox only. It shows fine in Safari and Chrome.
    I am on OS X 10.9.5. Firefox is updated.
    I have cleared caches in WordPress and locally several times with no effect at all.
    I hope you can help…


    Two more pages are not showing either. Please help!


    I have the same Problem.

    Enfold 4.0.3

    Images from the Masonry-Gallery are not showing on Firefox 52.0.1 and Iphone!


    I am on Enfold 4.0.2 and Firefox 52.0.1.
    It works fine on iPhone/Safari.


    I think this only occures, when lightbox is not active!

    I just updated another project with Enfold 4.0.3 and everything works fine, because the lightbox feature in the masonry gallery on this site is active ;-)

    I tried out on the first site, and when I activate lightbox everything works also fine. with each browser!


    Tech Support!?

    YouCanMore: I don’t have any lightboxes or galleries on the site via Enfold. You might want to open up your own “discussion”!


    I don’t have any lightboxes or galleries on the site via Enfold…

    That’s exactly the reason why the Masonry Gallery disapears – NO Lightbox!

    This is not an “Tech-Support” just a small Info what I find out ;-)

    The problem will be still the same.




    I checked your pages on Firefox however they are showing up totally fine on my end. Do you have some sort of browser add-ons? If you do, please try disabling them and check if that helps



    In my case, with Enfold 4.0.3, the Masonry Gallery disapears with every Browser, also on Mobile Device, when lightbox-link in the gallery is NOT aktive.

    If the lightbox-link is activated, the Masonry Gallery works fine.

    Now I’m back to Enfold 4.0.2 and everything (e.g. lightbox off) works fine ;-)


    There seems to be a similar problem:

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by YouCanMore. Reason: Added similar thread

    Hi Yigit
    Thank you for the suggestion. I tried disabling all add-ons without any effect.
    In the process I noticed that there might be other settings in Firefox. Ended up deleting all cookies from my site in the browser, and that did the trick.
    Now everything is fine.
    Thank you for the inspiration. :)


    Hi Anders,

    Great, glad you got it working and sorry for the problem. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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