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  • #469376

    Hey guys, I’d like to change the font of the title bar. I haven’t found a solution in a previous thread so I decided to post. Can I change the title bar font to a google font? or another font? I’m using this CSS for the title bar size:

    .main-title a {
    font-size: 32px !important;



    Hey CodeContra!

    You can use the font-family tag, as you are using a CSS code already for there, and define the Font you want to use.



    Will do! I was hoping to use a google font. Is there a way to do this? Would I have to add a style sheet link to the theme somehow?



    Please refer to this link to register additional Google Fonts –

    Best regards,


    Thanks, I have done this and I now see the google fonts in the general styling -> fonts tab. However I would like to change the font of the page title bar and the headline rotator in the following link to a google font. Is there some CSS I can add to style the page title bar and the headline rotator with a google font?

    Additionally, is there a way I can add some space after the text sidebar widget title but before the body?



    An easy way to do this is to navigate to Dashboard > Enfold > Advanced Styling and then create a new style for the H6 element and set the font family to whatever google font you wish to use. You can only apply the style for the socket or whatever, it’s only for getting the font loaded on the front end.

    Next add this to your custom CSS and change “alice” to whatever font you used.

    .av-rotator-container * { font-family: alice !important; }
    .main-title, .main-title a { font-family: alice !important; }


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