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  • #229094

    I love your theme, but in many areas I hate it :-)
    With any updagte the code is getting bigger and bigger and the Pageload getting worse and worse.

    Can you tell me why in any textbox this one is included? Hell why do wie need this?
    itemtype=”” itemscope=”itemscope”


    Hi hunter74!

    They are use for SEO purposes. You can refer to this link:

    Anyway, you can remove them by editing js > avia.js. Find this code on line 5:


    Below, add this code:

    $(".main_color, .alternate_color, a, img").removeAttr("itemscope", "itemtype", "itemprop");

    Or add this on functions.php:

    function avf_remove_markup_helper_args($args) {
    	$args = array_merge(array('context' => '', 'echo' => false, 'post_type' => ''), $args);
    	if(empty($args['context'])) return;

    Best regards,


    Thanks for this one, in that case I will leave it (But still not know if it is good for the website and SEO) because a slow website is also not good for Google.

    Anyway I tried many different CSS and JS minifiers and plugins but theyare not working. And the BWPminifier not working.

    One thing – can I remove the querry strings in Javascripts and Css ?? That would change a lot!!
    example, making this:
    to that:

    And can I remove certain js or css files which I don´t need?

    Caching Plugins overview:
    – – has the best results for me
    – WP Super Cache – many options noot many results?
    – Better WordPress Minify – makes problems, to minify CSS and JS
    – W3 Total Cache, was the best – for other sites with Enfold but with the Layerslider it makes a bit problems in my newest project
    – – has the best results for me!!



    You can alter what’s get included in functions.php (avia_register_frontend_scripts function), from line 259 to 294.


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