Tagged: navigation, pages, sidebar
when using the Sidebar option “Page Sidebar navigation” the pages on 3rd level disappear when on this level.
Maybe this minor error could be fixed with a future update, because I’d like to use it. :)
Ty & regards
Please provide a URL to the location where this event is taking place. Since there are so many ways to customize this theme, and with a number of updates already released, -there is no sure way for us to provide you with a reliable answer without first looking at the code.
Your best bet is to mask the link using http://www.goo.gl or show a page on the demo site which displays the behavior. A labeled screenshot hosted on imgur.com or else where would also be helpful in ensuring success.
However, a screenshot alone is not very helpful since we need to see the html/css/js code particular to your situation in order to provide a meaningful solution.
Erm, did you read the topic?
There is no need to point to an URL because I didn’t touch any CSS or code. But for the sake of freedom you may have a look here:
Seems there’s no 3rd level page so you may have to create one by yourself. Doesn’t even matter – I found the error, turned the sidebar nav off and used my own plugin.