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  • #583699

    Hi there,

    I have a page with a video and some parallax color sections. The scroll down process is very clean in the Firefox and Safari browsers. But in the Chome and IE we can not say the same. It looks like it is bouncing as we scroll down.

    Thanks a lot for your help for the great theme you have.



    Hi Kyle,

    Could you provide us with a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?



    Hi Rikard

    The link is in the private area.
    Thanks for the help.



    Very nice site!!! I checked on latest versions of IE and Chrome and the webpage scrolls smooth like knife on butter… I am suspecting the browser extension/plugins or system you are using. have you tried it on a different system?

    Another reason could be some js file bogging the site or having a conflict to find the plugin in conflict please follow the below steps

    1. Goto plugins page > Deactivate all active Plugins
    2. Updated WordPress and Enfold to latest version if you have not.
    3. Activate one plugin at a time… refresh the page and check for the issue.
    4. Make sure the plugins are all updated

    Let us know if this helps

    Vinay Kashyap


    Hi Vinnie,

    Thanks :) enfold theme helps a lot to make it nice.
    I did what you suggested and the issue stays the same.

    If i use the scroll wheel on my mouse the scroll is bumping and do not looks smooth (this only happens in Chrome and IE), but if i use the bar to bring the site down it goes nice.

    Thanks for the help.



    page scroll is totally smooth for me on Mac+Chrome. Can’t see any issue. Please check on another computer as well.


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