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  • #1206800


    One of the pages at my site ( suddenly doesn´t show.
    But in the editor – everything is still there. Is there any conflict or anything blocking the page?

    Please help! =)

    Regards Johan


    Hey Johan,

    Can you give us FTP access on your site as well?
    Please post the credentials in private content.

    Best regards,


    OK, here you go.

    Regards J


    Hi again,

    did you get an opportunity to check this out?
    As I can see, none of the translation pages are working either.

    Regards Johan


    Hi Johan Lindvall,

    I apologize for the delay. I have checked it and it seems to have some issues with the 2nd Color Section and the Google Map which also affects the succeeding elements.
    I tried to reproduce the issue but I could not find it on my end. Since the Google Map has been disabled in your setting, I have removed the map and fixed the issue.
    In the functions.php of your child theme, I have added this code:

    add_action('avia_builder_mode', "builder_set_debug");
    function builder_set_debug() {
    	return "debug";

    This will turn on ALB Debugger and shows a textarea below the ALB Editor and shows the generated shortcode.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for fixing the issue!

    I had the Google Maps disabled in your theme because I use WP Google Maps plugin – shouldn´t I disable Google Maps in theme settings then?
    I guess I can add a map again without problem now….? =)

    Regards Johan


    Hi Johan Lindvall,

    If you’re using a plugin for Google Maps then it would just be right to disable Google Map feature of Enfold :)

    Best regards,

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