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  • #1019988

    Viewing the two pages in private content, you’ll see there are many differences from the footer on regular pages and woocommerce pages.

    Woocommerce pages have:
    – Adding <br> tags above and below the mailchimp form
    – The subscribe button is slightly different
    – Large padding below the footer
    – Menu links have slightly more padding below them
    – Top divider bar has a gap to the right side

    Seems the woocommerce pages are the ones that are messed up. What is causing these issues when my regular footer had no issues?


    Fix for woocommerce pages: Disabling the Sidebar on Archive Pages [right side bar] Fixes all styling issues except the <br> being added above and below the mailchimp form.

    This fix does not fix the issue on product pages. I’m using the page sidebar on the woocommerce product page, that may be why.

    This of course is a fix but not a solution. I need the sidebar displayed on the right side of pages.

    Final note: Woocommerce sidebars css is breaking aspects of the page footer. It’s adding sidebar_right to the css line of the page assuming it is another block.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by GCSkye.



    Hi GCSkye,

    Please refrain from bumping or replying to your own thread because it gets pushed back to the end of the queue and moderators won’t be able to provide a response immediately. Please be patient while we go through the rest of the queue. Thank you for your understanding.

    Did you get it working? It looks fine on my end.

    Could you please attach some screenshots of the issue?

    Best regards,


    I suppose to an untrained eye they are identical.

    I’ve resolved most of the issues with simple CSS fixes. You’ll see the subscribe buttons are different. I wasn’t going to leave my live site broken…

    Here is the CSS I added to fix it, feel free to remove it and see how it looks for yourself:

    /* removes br above and below mailchimp */
    #footer-page .flex_column br {display:none}

    /* Ensures full width bar is full width */
    #footer-page .hr-full .hr-inner{ left:-100%!important}

    /* remove large padding on woocommerce footer */

    The above CSS only fixes issues on the woocommerce page. I’ve also said how to reproduce this. While it looks better on my site, it won’t on other users sites when they use a sidebar on any page.



    Glad that you fixed the issue. I’m not really sure why the style differs from page to page. Is this happening on every page?

    Best regards,


    It happens to any page where sidebar is enabled on that page. I explained exactly why it was happening in my second post.

    The class ” sidebar_right” is being added to every section. Since the footer page is coded like a section, it receive the sidebar_right tag as well. Some elements are being messed up by the ” sidebar_right” class.

    My post where I added my css fix shows some of them messed up.

    The solution kriesi needs to implement is “if page is set as footer, do not add sidebar_right to classes”



    I see. You should be able to remove the “sidebar_right” class attribute with this script.

    add_action('wp_footer', 'ava_remove_footer_class', 9999);
    function ava_remove_footer_class() {
            const footer = document.getElementById('footer-page');

    Best regards,


    Hi, I have the same issue, I set a page for the footer, in all the page is ok, but in post or in the woocommerce page I have around 100px more space before the socket.
    This happens only for page, post or product if is set a sidebar.
    This is the code of the section that appears if sidebar is set:
    <div id=”after_section_2″ class=”main_color av_default_container_wrap container_wrap sidebar_right”><div class=”container”><div class=”template-page content av-content-small alpha units”><div class=”post-entry post-entry-type-page post-entry-5215″><div class=”entry-content-wrapper clearfix”>
    </div></div></div><!– close content main div –> <!– section close by builder template –> </div><!–end builder template–></div>
    Can you help me?


    Hi Machaddict,

    Upgrade to the latest version. Let me know if that resolves your issue.

    Warm regards


    Hi machaddict,

    Did you try updating to the latest version of the theme? Please note that you might have to delete the old version before you upload the new one in order for it to install properly, or use a plugin like this in order to upload the new zip file:

    If that doesn’t help then please open a new thread and include admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Thanks @GCSkye for helping out :-)

    Best regards,


    HI, thanks for the support, after the update everything is ok :D


    Hi machaddict,

    Great, glad you got it working and sorry for the problem.

    Best regards,



    I’m having a similar issue – 100px padding at the top of my footer only on the home page. I am using a designated page for my footer. No woo commerce but I am using Ubermenu although that does not seem to affect it since the other pages are ok.

    All my plugins and template up to date. Also tried turning on/off plugins to test compatibility.



    Did you add this css code?

    .html_header_transparency #top .avia-builder-el-0 .container, .html_header_transparency #top .avia-builder-el-0 .slideshow_caption {
        padding-top: 110px;

    It’s where the top padding comes from.

    Best regards,

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