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  • #1186768

    I tried to make some changes on my website, but when I change the text on portfolio item and update the page, it just keep going but never got it done. I take of the plugins, but it did not help. How to fix this?


    Hey tammiviestinta,

    Thanks for the login details. How exactly can we reproduce the problem you are having? Also, could you update the theme to the latest version (4.7.3) to see if that helps?

    Best regards,


    If I make changes to a page or portfolio item and try to save/update, it won’t happen. I just got “Lisäys epäonnistui. Virheviesti: Failed to fetch”.
    If i want to go from editing to view the page or portfolio item, it logs me out.

    The theme is updated.



    Thanks for the update. I tried editing the page and portfolio in private, but I can’t see any error messages and the updates are working as expected. Is this happening on a specific post or page maybe?

    Best regards,


    This happens on every page and portfolio item. Just now I am trying to edit this. I cloned the text element and clicked Update, it tried to update and after some time I got the message “Lisäys epäonnistui. Virheviesti: Failed to fetch”.



    Thanks for the update, I cloned the first header on the page but I’m still having no problems when saving, and I don’t see any error messages. It would be great if you could provide us with detailed step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce this on our end.

    Best regards,


    Now I tried to log in with the user/password I made for you – and it worked fine. Then I logged in with my own user/password, and it started to work. I e-mailed to my client who had same problem and asked them to log out and then log back in, and now it is working with them, too.



    Great, I’m glad that you figured out the cause of the problem and thanks for sharing. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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