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  • #246217

    When I first started building a site at, I experimented with colours and set the background to brown (#661a00), then decided to use a background image. It’s a fairly large image and, just before it loads, the brown background shows first.

    I changed the Body Background Color setting to #cccccc in Enfold Child Theme Options: Styling but the page background didn’t change. Since then, I’ve tried to change the color in my own style.css, in custom.css and even downloaded the enfold_child.css, changed the background color there, then uploaded it again but nothing changes the color of the page background. I used this style…

    body {background-color:#cccccc !important;}

    Please tell me I’ve missed something obvious!


    Hey Artinet!

    It seems like you edited – I recommend to download the custom.css file from your server and to remove the background-color code from this file.



    OK, I’ve removed that but the page background is still brown (adding the style to custom.css was the last thing I tried).



    Thank you for using the support forum.

    The brown background is applied on the <html> tag. You can add this on Quick CSS or custom.css to remove it:

    html {
    background-color: transparent;

    Add the background image, let us know if it works.



    That’s great, thank you.

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