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  • #685977

    Hello… Every time there is a theme update… My custom items in my Function.php get erased. This is becoming very annoying. What can I do to prevent this going forward?


    Hey CPM_usa,

    Thanks for reaching out to us!

    Have you considered using a Child Theme to make your custom changes? This will ensure that you do not lose your customization every time there is a theme update. Here is some information that should assist you with using a child theme –

    Let me know how it goes!

    Best regards,


    Great…. If I install the child theme… and import the settings as the instructions indicated… Will my website be messed up at all during the process?



    Thanks for getting back in touch!

    No, if you follow the video and instructions carefully, your website will not be messed up during the process. Nothing to worry about and if you still have questions then let me know.

    Best regards,

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