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  • #366233

    hey guys,

    please have a look at the sidebar on

    The last widget is sticky and all works perfect except one thing: at some point it looks like that the background lays over the widget. I tried some quickfix with fixed height #top #main .sidebar, but I plan a infinite scroll fronpage – so a fixed height makes no sense.

    How can I prevent this behavior?


    Hey ppc1337!

    Is the problem that the widgets sometimes display beneath each other instead of floating left? It happens to me when I hover over the images. Try setting their display to inline-block instead of just block to see if that fixes it.

    Best regards,


    Hey Elliot,

    thanks for your quick reply. My main problem was, that it looks like the white background was laying over the fixed widget at some point when someone is scrolling down. However today the problem disappeared (maybe I had some caching-problems or something else)

    Thanks for the floating-solution – I didn’t fixed it because of my main problem, so you were faste than me ;)

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