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  • #700605


    I can’t seem to get a content element to overlap the layerslider like the enfold medical demo. I have set the top margin of the element to -50px but it doesn’t seem to do anything and if I force it with CSS it ends up behind the slider.

    Am I missing something?



    Hi communi_cat,

    It’s over the slider on my end, I’m guessing you managed to get it working? If not then please try to explain a bit further.



    Hi Rikard

    Yes, but it only seems to work if you place the layerslider shortcode inside a text block and force it to be full width on the plugin side. I sadly couldn’t get it to work correctly when using advanced layout editor layerslider element, maybe the z-index attribute is not pulling through correctly for that element.




    it seems to work fine now:
    So it’s fixed, right?

    Best regards,

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