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  • #1422777

    Dear Kriesi Team,

    I am looking for a way to display a simple map with two location pins with a pop-up showing some details, like address. Due to GDPR I would like to avoid using Google Maps, so my hopes are on OSM / Leaflet. I have two issues I would like to ask you:

    1. I have incorporated a map with the Leaflet Map plugin directly, but noticed that only one pop-up is shown, not both… I have also incorporated the map using your Theme extensions OSM Leaflet Map Avia Element. The map doesn’t look as nice as the plugin one and moreover, here also only one pop-up is shown. Is there a way to show both pop-ups? See the URL in the private content.

    2. Alternatively I checked some other plugins for displaying such a simple map per shortcode, but did not find a good one yet. There is a plugin (Out of the Block) that uses a Gutenberg Block for building a map. Can I use that on a page (in fact, in the middle of that page) where I also use the Avia Layout Architect? See the URL in the private content.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Best regards, CJGVD


    Hey CJGVD,
    Thank you for your patience, unfortunately it looks like the Leaflet Map is set to only show one popup at a time, it looks like there maybe a workaround if you modify the Leaflet Map script, but I was not able to make this work in my tests.
    I looked for another plugin that offered this option but couldn’t find one.
    Perhaps if you would like to request this as a future feature, the Dev Team has opened a new Github Feature Request for users to place requests and follow them as the Dev Team reviews them.
    But unfortunately I don’t see an easy way to do this right now. Thank you for your understanding.

    Best regards,


    Dear Mike,

    thank you for your reply!

    1. So if I understand correcty, the Leaflet Map can only show one popup at the time. This would be ok for us, but it isn’t working on our site like this. When clicking the second marker, the popup of the first marker does not close and the popup of the second marker does not appear. If this would work, the solution would be OK for us. Could you please have another look at our site? Perhaps you will find a wrong setting or so…

    2. Thanks for looking for another plugin to use. Good idea to request this as a future feature.
    What about using the plugin (Out of the Block) that uses a Gutenberg Block for building a map. Can that be used in combination with Enfolds Avia Layout Architect? If so, how?

    3. I found a plugin called MapIT, which shows two markers with popups in the theme Twenty Twenty-Three, but it seems to give a little clash with Enfold, because in Enfold the map doesn’t show the popups and it displays a copy of the map in the header… See page mentioned in the private content and some pics and remarks of the developer of MapIT on that page. Could you please check, whether this “clash” between Enfold and MapIT could be solved, so that we could use this plugin? That would be great.

    Thank you very much for help!
    Best regards, CJGVD


    Thank you for your patience, I tried the WP MapIT plugin with the theme Leaflet option disabled and the MapIT seems to show the same as when the Twenty Twenty-Threetheme is enabled.
    On page load the map popups do not show, when to click on the markers the popups show:
    I linked to my test page below, please check.

    Best regards,


    Dear Mike,

    thanks so much for your efforts.

    Unfortunately I can’t reproduce your results with the WP MapIT plugin on my Enfold page. I have disabled the theme Leaflet option, deactivated other WP Map plugins and emptied the cache, but still the popups don’t show on click. Could you please have a look into my page? See info in Private Content.

    As written before, your theme Leaflet option would be the preferable option for us. It is no problem that it can only show one popup at the time. However, it doesn’t seem to work on our website: When clicking the second marker, the popup of the first marker does not close and the popup of the second marker does not appear. Could you please please check this option as well? (Please note, that the theme Leaflet option and the Leaflet Plugin should then be enabled/activated again.)

    Also I was wondering if it is possible to use a Gutenburg Block (for building a map) in combination with Enfolds ALB. If so, how?

    Thanks again in advance for your help!



    Thank you for the link to your site, I found that on your site when you mouse-over the map marker the pointer doesn’t change to a “pointer” it stays a “hand” I exported your map to my test page and you will see that on mouse-over the pointer changes and the popups work.
    Perhaps this is a plugin conflict, I tried disabling all of your plugins except Limit Login Attempts Reloaded & WPS Hide Login I didn’t want to disable these, please give this a try. I enabled your other plugins again.
    The only other difference is that your site PHP memory limit & Max input time are bothe a negative one:
    and on my site they are positive numbers:
    I’m not sure if this is relevant or not, try to see if you can also change these.
    As for using the Gutenburg Block in the ALB, no you can not.

    Best regards,


    Dear Mike,
    thanks for your quick reply and your efforts! You gave me the tip to solve the problem! :-)

    It had to do with some extra CSS to disable the tooltip when hovering over images (like photos). Did not realise this would also hamper the popup on click from functioning. :-( I now removed this CSS and all three options, Leaflet (external), OSM – Leaflet Map (Enfold) and MapIT, work like a charm.

    I would like to continue with using your OSM – Leaflet Map, to be independent from an external hoster for the library. (This is a great idea, thanks!) However, I noticed that the options for editing the popup seem rather limited compared to Leaflet. For example, I would like to use bold text for the company name and clickable links to e-mail and telephone. Is that somehow also possible in OSM – Leaflet Map?

    Best regards,


    Thanks for your patience, to add bold text or links in the built-in OSM element you will need to add our Special Character Translation plugin, please see our documentation: Using special characters
    Basically you need to replace all greater-than and less-than symbols with ###lt### ###gt### in the ALB elements.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    thanks for your reply!
    Good to know that Kriesi has its own plugins to enlarge the Enfold functionalities, I did not know that.

    I have installed the plugin from this path KriesiMedia/enfold-library/codesnippets, tricks, plugins/Enfold/integration plugins/Enfold/Special Character Translation/ (your URL gave an error) and adapted the Marker Popup description in the OSM element as follows:

    ###lt###strong###gt###Company Name###lt###/strong###gt###
    ###lt###a href=”mailto: (Email address hidden if logged out)(Email address hidden if logged out) ###lt###/a###gt###

    Unfortunately NO bold text nor link are shown. Did I do something wrong or forget something? I can’t find the solution… Hope you do!
    Thanks a lot for your help!

    Best regards, Cornelie
    P.S. Please also see the Private Content.


    Thanks for the feedback, and sorry for the confusion, typically this works for all of our elements, I have reported this to our Dev Team and will reply when I hear back, thanks for your patience.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for your patience, the Dev Team made some adjustments for the OSM element and updated the Special Characters plugin
    After installing the new Special Characters plugin, you can try updating the OSM Leaflet element at /enfold/config-leaflet-maps/class-avia-leaflet-maps.php
    from the link below, please ensure to do this via FTP and keep a version of the original for fallback, then clear your browser cache and any cache plugin, and check.

    Best regards,


    Thanks a lot, also for the quick adjustments made by the Dev Team!
    As it involves a bit more effort from my side, I will check next week if it works and keep you informed.
    Best regards, Cornelie


    Ok, this will be in the next update but we don’t have a ETA for it now. I will leave this open to hear back from you.

    Best regards,


    Dear Mike,
    thanks so much for the instructions, everything works fine!
    I only had to remove the ” signs from the a href for the mailadress to work correctly (i.e. opening an e-mail in your e-mail programme), otherwise a 404 error pops up (with URL/”mailto: (Email address hidden if logged out) ).
    So you can close this thread now and give my thanks also to the Dev Team!
    Best regards and have a nice day, CJGVD


    Ups, not ready to close yet…! Just after installing the updated plugin and changes of the php-file, WordPress sent me an e-mail that the website has a technical problem related to Enfold. Below you find the details of this error. Is there anything you (or me) should do now?


    Ein Fehler vom Typ E_ERROR wurde in der Zeile 904 der Datei /homepages/…/neu/wp-content/themes/enfold/functions.php verursacht. Fehlermeldung: Uncaught Error: Failed opening required ‘config-leaflet-maps/class-avia-leaflet-maps.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php8.1′) in /homepages/46/d4297792705/htdocs/neu/wp-content/themes/enfold/functions.php:904
    Stack trace:
    #0 /homepages/…/neu/wp-settings.php(611): include()
    #1 /homepages/…/neu/wp-config.php(116): require_once(‘/homepages/46/d…’)
    #2 /homepages/…/neu/wp-load.php(50): require_once(‘/homepages/46/d…’)
    #3 /homepages/…/neu/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php(22): require_once(‘/homepages/46/d…’)
    #4 {main}


    Did this occur only once? perhaps it was while you were uploading the new file? I didn’t get this error on my site.
    line 904 in the functions.php is require_once( 'config-leaflet-maps/class-avia-leaflet-maps.php' );
    so it is possible that the file was not found while you added the new one.

    Best regards,


    Dear Mike,

    I received this e-mail from WordPress only once, just after having made the changes. So yes, perhaps it was only once, that WP could not retrieve the right file. The website looks fine and the OSM Leaflet Map works as supposed.

    Best regards,


    Ok, I believe that this is the case then, if you like we can leave this open for a few more days to see if you get another error email, but I’m not seeing this on my test site.
    Try testing for a couple of days and if all is well then let us know that we can close the thread.

    Best regards,


    Dear Mike,
    the OSM Leaflet Map still works as supposed. So the technical error seems to have appeared only once, when WP could not find the original PHP file. You can close this topic now. Thanks again for your great support!
    Best regards,


    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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