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  • #1222931

    to fully optimize the site without it.

    With all due respect, but this statement is either a lie or you really don’t realize how important this feature is. The use of srcset-attribute would improve site speed, no matter what these tools say.

    All the alb-elements should support it and I do not understand why it is such a big deal to implement it.


    As far as I’m concerned it’s more about showing an appropriate image at the right resolution than getting a high score on a page speed analysis tool.


    After more than 1 Year later, no resolution for this big problem.

    A website in mobile not showing an appropriate image because Enfold not support srcset, so our Web pages are slow or very slow if they use 4G. Maybe you know that 60% traffic to the Webs are mobile users, so we loose a lot of posible clients and $ because enfold does not support srcset attribute. If you sell a Theme Seo friendly, Enfold it is not at the moment.

    Please help with this Urgent and Serious problem.



    We’ll forward your concerns to our channel for further considerations. For the meantime, you can use third party plugins like WP Retina 2x to automatically add an srcset attribute to the images.

    // https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-retina-2x/

    Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,


    Almost 1 year ago you wrote this:

    August 7, 2019 at 11:05 am


    : The dev team is currently working on the srcset attribute feature. A beta version is available, but it’s still under improvement. We might not be able to release it in the upcoming patch, but hopefully we can in the next.

    Best regards,


    Hey Ismael

    wp-retina-2x plugin do not work. I’ve tried all the plugins that should help with the “srcset attribute” and none of them work.

    I think it’s time to fix this important bug. please add support in “enfold”.


    I suppose that it is not working with alb elements.


    Hi ramotzkie,

    No, it’s not working with the Advanced Layout Builder yet, unfortunately.

    Best regards,


    and it is so easy to implement it in the various elements. I don’t get it why you need so much time for such a crucial feature.
    In my eyes this missing feature destroys enfolds reputation of being a modern and seo friendly theme.
    The wordpress srcset implementation covers only a small part of it, but atleast it does something.

    If you use the advanced layout builder with enfold, not even the simple wordpress implementation is supported. Enfold makes it worse and thats really bad…



    The srcset option has been put on hold for other priorities, but rest assured that you will still be able to fully optimize the site without it. Please check this article for more info.

    // https://kriesi.at/archives/scoring-100-100-in-google-pagespeed-insights-gtmetrix-pagespeed-and-yslow

    As we’ve said earlier, the srcset feature has been put on hold and unfortunately, we are not sure if and when it will be resumed. We’ll tag Kriesi and one of our developers to check the thread.

    Best regards,


    The srcset option has been put on hold for other priorities, but rest assured that you will still be able to fully optimize the site without it. Please check this article for more info.

    // https://kriesi.at/archives/scoring-100-100-in-google-pagespeed-insights-gtmetrix-pagespeed-and-yslow

    You can repeat it, but that won’t make it true either.

    I would be very happy if Kriesi or another developer take a look at it.

    Best regards


    Enfold is one of the best sellers themes, I do not understand why if the team developers not have time, do not hire a developer to do this very important feature.


    I agree, you should hire a developer to fix this problem, it is a joke to take more than 1 year without fixing this important problem that affects the user experience and directly affects our sales. Is there something wrong with asking you to be more professional? When will this arrangement also help you improve your theme and brand?


    IMHO: If we all agreed to pay more than pennies per year for Enfold, then they would be able to allocate more resources. Isn’t really a joke that multi-millon dollar businesses pay so little for so high value?


    More than 210.000 sales this is about 12.000.000 $. But maybe yes the need more money for resources. It is a joke that multi-million dollar businesses do not ask for extra cost for support and updates? I do not know but when they are selling this product with her rules, this is not a Clients problem, if they offer free updates for life and they offer a optimized “Seo Theme”. This is not a client fault, Kriesi are the ones who offer like many other companies a product for 59$ , if they could not offer a lifetime update product fully optimized without problems, when this is what is expected of them. But Yes all the 210.000 Enfold buyers sure we can pay 1 $ extra por month, maybe not big problem. So they can give us what they’re supposed to have offered us in the sale price.


    Well, even a 12 MUSD software company has their priorities, below me we are one of them. But, I agree on one thing. Web tech people are not always up to speed to understand the importance of SEO and yes of course Enfold should have already support for srcset and webp by now.


    It’s not just about SEO. As I mentioned previously, for me it’s entirely about serving the correct and appropriate image to the user dependent upon their resolution. I don’t want to be rude, I think some comments here are, but that most definitely is and should be standard.



    said that we will be using the default srcset functions that are already available in the WP core and add it gradually starting from the Image element. There’s no ETA yet, unfortunately, but it will probably be available in the next beta release (

    // https://make.wordpress.org/core/2015/11/10/responsive-images-in-wordpress-4-4/
    // https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wp_calculate_image_srcset/

    Thank you all for your patience.

    Best regards,


    The latest change log for the upcoming version now says:

    feature: Responsive images support (srcset and sizes attribute) – using WP logic to ALB elements

    Can I get my hopes up???? Will the theme now fully support srcset for ALL ALB elements as of the next release????



    Also, WordPress 5.5 will implement lazy loading and image features to reduce layout shift.

    It mentions in there that themes can improve the experience even more, such as:

    “Theme developers are recommended to granularly handle loading attributes for images anytime they rely on wp_get_attachment_image() or another function based on it (such as the_post_thumbnail() or get_custom_logo()), depending on where they are used within templates. For example, if an image is placed within the header.php template and is very likely to be in the initial viewport, it is advisable to skip the loading attribute for that image.”

    Since work is being done on improving image handling in Enfold, would be great if 5.5 compatibility could be considered as well :)




    Our latest beta version ( includes support for all ALB elements. If you are interested in testing, please open an own thread and we can give you a link to it in private content when it is ready.

    Thanks for pointing at lazy loading. I added this to our dev repo and we will adress it asap.

    Best regards,



    Well that is excellent to hear Gunter, long time coming but I’m so glad to see work like this happening on the theme.

    Im unable to help test at the moment sorry, but really look forward to the release.

    And yes, if full support for native lazy loading (and the relevant tweaks like excluding the logo etc) are able to be included soon too that will be another great step forward for Enfold.


    Hi Gunter,

    Really liking having srcset now in the theme, thanks again.

    However, it doesn’t appear to be added for the theme logo? Could you take a look?




    Thanks, yes, I missed it. Will be part of next update.

    If you want to update, you can replace




    Best regards,


    Thanks Gunter, really appreciate how quickly you reply and action these items.

    I noticed you added WP 5.5 lazy loading to the coming soon part as well, that will be great.


    Hi Gunter,

    Strange question, as your implementation of srcset seems great, but on just two of my image elements it is not appearing. Can you take a look and see what you think?

    In private field below


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by THP Studio.


    The reason why the images are not visible is a CSS rule:

    img[data-lazyloaded] {
        opacity: 0;

    located in a script from litespeed.

    WP creates the srcset from images with the same aspect ratio ( +/- 1 px ). Do you have thumbs that have the same aspect ratio as the original image?
    You find a list of thumbs in Enfold Options page -> Performance -> Responsive Images -> Image Thumbnails Info.

    Best regards,


    Hi Gunter,

    Appreciate the speedy response as always.

    Yes, I noticed that Litespeed does that for any images that don’t have a srcset attribute, as I guess its looking for that in the code to inject the lazy loading correctly.

    So I’ve done some more digging. Yes, that images size is listed as a thumb in the Image Thumbnails section of Enfold.

    I just tried using the same image, but using any other image thumbnail size available from it (including Full Size) – and it works, full srcset added and litespeed showing it up correctly.

    It is directly connected specifically to that particular image size thumbnail.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks again

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by THP Studio.


    WP creates the srcset from images with the same aspect ratio ( +/- 1 px ) as the image you are displaying.

    This means if the displayed image has e.g. 700px * 700px thumbs with a aspect ratio of 1:1 are considered responsive for scrset.

    If your displayed image e.g. has 1280 * 720 ( 16 : 9 ) and you do not have thumbs with 16 : 9 the image does not get any scrset.

    You find a list of thumbs in Enfold Options page -> Performance -> Responsive Images -> Image Thumbnails Info.

    If you need responsive images for 16 : 9 you will need to add additional image thumb sizes for 16:9.

    Best regards,


    Hi Gunter,

    Can you please take a look at the Partner/Logo Element in the ALB elements. I’ve just tried using it and it doesn’t seem to be outputting srcset at all?

    Thanks again


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