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  • #963523

    Good morning,

    In this thread / post was some discussion about the Custom Font Manager and how to use it, plus some difficulties to start with this great new feature. However my question probably got lost, so I start a new topic today if that’s OK..

    If you add Open Sans to the Custom Font Manager, using the zip-file from Google, the font will look differently from when you use the Enfold integrated version. It’ll be heavier. @Vinay was kind enough to say this can be solved with some extra CSS. But I don’t know which CSS to use exactly.

    So the basic question is: how can I make Open Sans look exactly the way as in the generic Enfold when using it in the Custom Font Manager please? For both headlines and body text? Why are they different at all? Funny thing aside: all other fonts seem to work OK, only Open Sans has this issue fwIcs.

    Your help is much appreciated. Thank you very much!


    maybe this is concerning to a comment i gave on a different topic:
    i have uploaded the zip i got from google with a lot of font-styles in it ( 300,400,600,700 and all italic too)
    but on selection there is only a 400 font-style mentioned – maybe the others are selectable too via css .



    Thanks for the update.

    Where do you intend to apply the font? If you want to apply it to the body text, you can try something like this.

    body {
       font-weight: 300;

    If you intend to use it for the heading tags, try this one instead.

    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
        font-weight: 300;

    Best regards,


    I achieved a similar look with opensans with zip file from google, but I had to delete all different fontsizes besides “regular” and “semi-bold” in the zip file before uploading it with the custom font manager.
    Afterwards you can choose the font “Open Sans 400 600”.

    Like this it looked exactly similar as with former open sans google fonts setting.

    Hope this helps


    Great, both answers helped, thank you very very much :-) !!



    Great, glad you got it working. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,


    can i ask does the zip file get unzipped ? i am looking for the location to also make rev slider font self hosted


    sorry, i should have looked first, /wp-content/uploads/avia_fonts/type_fonts/open-sans-v15-latin


    Hi jezza1961,

    Great, glad you found that :-)

    Best regards,

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