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  • #730075

    HI guys. One of the pages in my enfold theme does not save the changes as it should. As soon as I make changes and save them and then update the page, the images that i had on the page before are not there anymore as well as some other things might change too. this is completely different ever single time i change something. when i go back to the edit page everything is the way it should be for most of the times. sometimes the section where the pictures were is gone. there is not system really in the way it saves changes or makes changes without me making the changes. i have to go back to reviews and restore to a previous time to delete all the changes i have done until this point. then i try again and the same thing occurs. i only have this problem with one of my pages. the others work perfectly fine. i have emptied the cache folder and reloaded everything. Has not helped. i have been having this problem for a few week now.
    i hope someone can help me out please.
    happy new year and thanks in advance


    Hey shapedfit,

    Please send us a temporary admin login and login URL so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply. Also please point out the page where we can see the error and how we can reproduce it.

    Best regards,


    The error occurs on the Ebook page only.
    whenever i change something on the edit page the original page looks different. different colors, or the pictures are gone or the changed section has not changed… etc. different things occur whenever i try to edit the page.
    thanks for checking it out


    at the moment for example you see that the masonry gallery on the edit page is still there, but my pictures that were saved in it are gone so on the page itself you do not see any pictures anymore. this happens most of the times when i work on something else on the page, that the pictures are gone after the update



    Thanks for the details and feedback, though we need a URL as well to be able to log in. Please post that as well.

    Best regards,


    Actually thought I did…
    Here again… Please let me know if you were able to log in



    Thanks for that, looking at your Ebook page is seems you have open html markup which tends to break the Layout Builder. Your first header for instance:

    The ShapedFit Guide<strong> 

    The strong tag is not closed, please try removing it or replace it with this:

    <strong>The ShapedFit Guide</strong>

    Best regards,


    Unfortunately, this did not help. After I changed it everything was gone from this page apart from the headline


    i think its working now, fingers crossed. i will be in touch if it changes again. thanks for your help:-)



    Ok great, thanks for the feedback. If this happens to you again then please try going through your content to see if there is any open html markup in your content and try to close it or remove it completely.

    Best regards,

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